BruceJohnJennerLawso / scrap

Hockey stats analysis done by scraping the data to a csv file, then processing/analyzing them with more python.
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hockey nhl python stats


Hockey stats analysis done by scraping the data to a csv file, then processing/analyzing them with more python. is the web scraper, currently only works to scrape the strobe.uwaterloo site for intramurals teams, and there are guaranteed to be many bugs due to some team pages being fixed in odd ways. The data is saved in a predictable format to ./data/[season name]/[team id #].csv is the analysis part, loads the data from the csv files and constructs it in an object hierarchy, (((game)team)league) which can then output more complex stats for the data at each level. Stats are loaded in layers (I, II, III, ...) in order to allow for stats that rely on one another (AWQI (Tier II) relying on points and goals (Tier I), and MaAWQI (Tier III) relying on AWQI (Tier II))

Care and Feeding Instructions:

To get started, you'll need python installed along with pip. Take a look at dependencies.txt for a list of packages you'll need to install to run the project.

Once you have the dependencies needed installed, the project can be run in two steps. The first part, the scraper ( requests data from either

for the waterloo intramurals data, and

for the nhl data

to scrape all beginner data out of the waterloo intramurals system, run the following command:

python 'watMu' 'beginner'

which will then save every team listed under the ./data/watMu/beginner/YEARNAME manifest files as a csv file will all of the available data for that team

nhl data can be scraped by running

python 'nhl'

Once the team data has been saved to hard disk, we can easily reload it and start manipulating it with more python code. Running

python 'watMu' 'beginner'


python 'nhl' 'default'

will load that data and graph it using matplotlib. To see these results, take a look at the images saved under ./results/watMu/beginner which contains a variety of histograms and scatterplots of the results of this data.

python 'watMu' 'beginner'

will print out a text readout of stats for each team in the league to the console