CITS3200 Project
Purpose ReFood is a web based food sharing network that aims to reduce food waste by directly connecting bussinesses who are willing to donate their excess food and not-for-profit (NFP) organizations who can distribute it to those in need.
Design ReFood has two different interfaces, one for businesses and the second for NFPs.
The business section allows for a business to upload what kind of food they are donating. Amount, type, descptions and photos are all part of this process to ensure that the receiving organization knows exactly what they are getting.
The NFP section allows registered organizations to claim donations that they have been allocated.
Please refer to the ReFood_User_Documentation provided
Please refer to the ReFood_Developer_Documentation provided
Sprint 1: Weeks 2 to 4 (01/06 - 26/08)
Sprint 1 Definition: Sprint 1 Marking Criteria: