BuckarooBanzay / citygen

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citygen -- minetest city mapgenerator

A mod for minetest



Generates a procedural city with prefabricated blocks and some randomization

Recommended optional mods

Updating the mod

Breaking changes can happen at any time, don't upgrade the mod if you plan on keeping you world-cityscape consistent!

How it works

The map is divided into 20 mapblocks along the z and x axis, called the "cityblock". Those 20-mapblock squares are plotted once (and cached) with a predefined layout depending on their position on the map. Streets are always aligned to the sides of the cityblock. Relevant files for the layouting mechanism:

To ensure that the generated data is always the same a perlin-noise is derived from the current position of the cityblock. The perlin generation is done in perlin_manager.lua

A plotted cityblock looks like this (a table with x and z axes):

cityblock = {
        { -- x axis
            { -- z axis
                groups = {
                    building = true,
                    edge = true
                attributes = {
                    building_type = "citygen:default_building2",
                    height = 5
                direction = "x+",
                groups = {
                    building = true,
                    edge = true
                attributes = {
                    building_type = "citygen:default_building2",
                    height = 5
                direction = "x+",
                groups = {
                    building = true,
                    corner = true
                attributes = {
                    building_type = "citygen:default_building2",
                    height = 5
                direction = "x+z+",
    -- the
    root_pos = {
        z = 600,
        x = 720

This data can be dumped on the console with the ingame command /cityblock. The current mapblock data can be dumped with /cityblock_mapblock. The "root_pos" is the lower, left mapblock of the cityblock.

This data is then passed to each mapblock that needs to be generated by the mapgen (See: mapgen.lua)

The streetnames are picked randomly (depending on the x/z position of the street) from a catalog (See: streetname.lua)

The premade schematics are deseiralized onto the map with the help of the mapblock_lib. Some buildings have different variants with custom node-replacements, see: default_buildings.lua

The schematics for a building contain 12 parts that get assembled depending on their position (bottom, corner, etc). An example of the 12 parts in "exploded" view:

Each part can be edited by copying the files (manifest- and bin-file) out of the schematics/building/ folder and placing them into the <worldfolder>/mapblocks/ folder.

Loading and saving the parts from the world and to disk is done with the mapblock_lib commands:

For example:

mkdir /my/world/mapblocks
cp schematics/street/street_all_sides* /my/world/mapblocks/

Ingame: /mapblock_load street_all_sides for loading and /mapblock_save street_all_sides to save

