BuffettCode / edinet_xbrl

A Python xbrl file downloader and parser for EDINET
Apache License 2.0
127 stars 27 forks source link
data-science finance python xbrl-parser

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edinet_xbrl is a Python parser for Edinet xbrl files.


.. Installation

To install edinet_xbrl, simply:

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install edinet-xbrl


How To Use

.. HowToUse

To download xbrl files from EDINET:

.. code-block:: python

from edinet_xbrl.edinet_xbrl_downloader import EdinetXbrlDownloader

init downloader

xbrl_downloader = EdinetXbrlDownloader()

set a ticker you want to download xbrl file

ticker = "1234" target_dir = "a target directory path" xbrl_downloader.download_by_ticker(ticker, target_dir)


To get value from your xbrl files:

.. code-block:: python

from edinet_xbrl.edinet_xbrl_parser import EdinetXbrlParser

init parser

parser = EdinetXbrlParser()

parse xbrl file and get data container

xbrl_file_path = "set your xbrl file path" edinet_xbrl_object = parser.parse_file(xbrl_file_path)

get value from container

key = "jppfs_cor:Assets" context_ref = "CurrentYearInstant" current_year_assets = edinet_xbrl_object.get_data_by_context_ref(key, context_ref).get_value()


Development and Bug Reports

| We use github issues to manage bugs. | If you found some bugs, please report from here_. | Of course, any pull requests are welcome.

.. _here: https://github.com/BuffetCode/edinet_xbrl/issues/new