BuidlGuidl / onchain-impact-dashboard

Show projects ongoing impact based on past retroactive funding rounds voting metric weightings
MIT License
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Onchain Impact Dashboard

OID enables builders to view their ongoing impact post-Retro Funding 4. Overview here.

The goal is to raise awareness of the existence of Retro Funding for onchain builders, encouraging them to:

Raising awareness of RF is the goal so we will be taking every opportunity to celebrate the wins of each project by sharing updates to the leaderboard weekly (or when appropriate) on social media.

The MVP will need the following:

Extras (We don't need these by deadline but we will add them when we can):

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo & install dependencies

    git clone https://github.com/BuidlGuidl/onchain-impact-dashboard.git
    cd onchain-impact-dashboard
    yarn install
  2. Set up your environment variables (and optionally, a local Firebase instance): Make a copy of the packages/nextjs/.env.example file and name it packages/nextjs/.env.local and fill in the required environment variables.

    Add a connection string for a MongoDB instance. This could be running locally or in the cloud.

  3. Seed data to your database:

    MONGODB_URI="Fill in with your MongoDB connection string" yarn seed

    Now make sure your FILL_DAYS environment variable is set and hit this api:


    It should return a success message immediately but it will take a couple minutes to populate your database.

  4. Start the application

    Execute this command to start the nextjs project in development mode:

    yarn dev


Stubbed external APIs

Projects (Agora)

To get all:


To get one by id:


Time Series Data (OSO)

The data starts on 2024-01-01 and ends on 2024-04-01. To get all:


To get specific dates:


Mapping (OSO)

This is how we can associate Agora data to OSO data. To get all:


To search by Agora id or OSO project_name:

    http://localhost:3000/api/stub/mapping?id=0x000123456... OR project_name