BuilderIO / ai-shell

A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.
MIT License
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A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.

Current version

Gif Demo

Inspired by the GitHub Copilot X CLI, but open source for everyone.

# AI Shell ## Setup > The minimum supported version of Node.js is v14 1. Install _ai shell_: ```sh npm install -g ``` 2. Retrieve your API key from [OpenAI]( > Note: If you haven't already, you'll have to create an account and set up billing. 3. Set the key so ai-shell can use it: ```sh ai config set OPENAI_KEY= ``` This will create a `.ai-shell` file in your home directory. ## Usage ```bash ai ``` For example: ```bash ai list all log files ``` Then you will get an output like this, where you can choose to run the suggested command, revise the command via a prompt, or cancel: ```bash ◇ Your script: │ │ find . -name "*.log" │ ◇ Explanation: │ │ 1. Searches for all files with the extension ".log" in the current directory and any subdirectories. │ ◆ Run this script? │ ● ✅ Yes (Lets go!) │ ○ 📝 Revise │ ○ ❌ Cancel └ ``` ### Special characters Note that some shells handle certain characters like the `?` or `*` or things that look like file paths specially. If you are getting strange behaviors, you can wrap the prompt in quotes to avoid issues, like below: ```bash ai 'what is my ip address' ``` ### Chat mode ![Chat demo]( ```bash ai chat ``` With this mode, you can engage in a conversation with the AI and receive helpful responses in a natural, conversational manner directly through the CLI: ```sh ┌ Starting new conversation │ ◇ You: │ how do I serve a redirect in express │ ◇ AI Shell: In Express, you can use the `redirect()` method to serve a redirect. The `redirect()` method takes one argument, which is the URL that you want to redirect to. Here's an example: \`\`\`js app.get('/oldurl', (req, res) => { res.redirect('/newurl'); }); \`\`\` ``` ### Silent mode (skip explanations) You can disable and skip the explanation section by using the flag `-s` or `--silent` ```bash ai -s list all log files ``` or save the option as a preference using this command: ```bash ai config set SILENT_MODE=true ``` ### Custom API endpoint You can custom OpenAI API endpoint to set OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT(default: ``) ```sh ai config set OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT= ``` ### Set Language ![Language UI]( The AI Shell's default language is English, but you can easily switch to your preferred language by using the corresponding language keys, as shown below: | Language | Key | | ------------------- | ------- | | English | en | | Simplified Chinese | zh-Hans | | Traditional Chinese | zh-Hant | | Spanish | es | | Japanese | jp | | Korean | ko | | French | fr | | German | de | | Russian | ru | | Ukrainian | uk | | Vietnamese | vi | | Arabic | ar | | Portuguese | pt | | Turkish | tr | For instance, if you want to switch to Simplified Chinese, you can do so by setting the LANGUAGE value to zh-Hans: ```sh ai config set LANGUAGE=zh-Hans ``` This will set your language to Simplified Chinese. ### Config UI To use a more visual interface to view and set config options you can type: ```bash ai config ``` To get an interactive UI like below: ```bash ◆ Set config: │ ○ OpenAI Key │ ○ OpenAI API Endpoint │ ○ Silent Mode │ ● Model (gpt-3.5-turbo) │ ○ Language │ ○ Cancel └ ``` ### Upgrading Check the installed version with: ```bash ai --version ``` If it's not the [latest version](, run: ```bash npm update -g ``` Or just use AI shell: ```bash ai update ``` ## Common Issues ### 429 error Some users are reporting a 429 from OpenAI. This is due to incorrect billing setup or excessive quota usage. Please follow [this guide]( to fix it. You can activate billing at [this link]( Make sure to add a payment method if not under an active grant from OpenAI. ## Motivation I am not a bash wizard, and am dying for access to the copilot CLI, and got impatient. ## Contributing If you want to help fix a bug or implement a feature in [Issues]( (tip: look out for the `help wanted` label), checkout the [Contribution Guide]( to learn how to setup the project. ## Credit - Thanks to GitHub Copilot for their amazing tools and the idea for this - Thanks to Hassan and his work on [aicommits]( which inspired the workflow and some parts of the code and flows ## Community Come join the [ discord]( and chat with us in the #ai-shell room

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