BuildingComponentLibrary / bcl-manifest

Manifest of all content repos on the BCL
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Building Component Library Manifest

This repo is a manifest of all GitHub repositories providing content to the BCL. Repos can be either component or measure repos. Repos must be public and hosted on

Contribute Content

Follow the instructions below to contribute content to the BCL. All contributed content is public and accessible to all.

  1. Review the sections below to learn how to gather existing content or create new content for the BCL.

  2. Once your repository is created, clone the BCL Manifest repository and add a section to the bcl_manifest.json file with basic information about your repo:

    • github repo name
    • github organization
    • type of repo (enter either measure or component)
    • github URL of the repo

    example manifest

  3. Create a Pull Request with your changes. A BCL admin will review your request and repository. If acceptable, the PR will be merged to the main branch.

  4. Once the PR is merged, set up webhooks on your repository so that releases are automatically added to the BCL:

    • Select webhooks from the left navigation menu on your repo's settings page, or go to settings/hooks.

    • Click on the Add webhook button

      • Enter the payload URL: TO BE DETERMINED
      • Set the content type to: application/json
      • Select Enable SSL verification
      • Select Let me select individual events and click on the Releases checkbox. We will only pull content when a release is created and published.
      • Click the Add webhook button at the bottom of the page.

    Screenshots of the Add webhook process:

    webhook setup part 1 webhook setup part 2

  5. Create a release by going to your repo's releases url.

    • Click on the Draft a new release button
    • Enter a title, tag version, name, and description.
    • Do not check the This is a pre-release checkbox if you want your release added to the BCL.
    • When you are ready click on Publish release button
  6. The BCL will then index your new content. To see the status of your repo, including indexing errors, visit the BCL Dashboard page.

For information on repo structure, see the Content section below.


Measure Repos

Measure repositories should be structured as an OpenStudio Extension Gem.

Component Repos

The appropriate structure for component repositories is to place components in the lib/components/ directory.

There are no required tests to be run against components; however, it is recommended that the components are tested using a testing framework such as Ruby spec or py test.

Additional information: