The BuildingSync-Gem is a repository of helpers for reading and writing BuildingSync XML files, and for using that data to drive energy simulations of the subject building. See full documentation here.
All of the following are supported:
The BuildingSync Gem requires installation of OpenStudio, specifically OpenStudio v3.4.0.
The newer versions of OpenStudio have minor breaking changes that have not been addressed in this repository yet. After OpenStudio is
installed, then export the path of the folder that contains the openstudio.rb file to RUBYLIB environment variable
(e.g., export RUBYLIB=/Applications/OpenStudio-3.4.0/Ruby
After installing OpenStudio and setting the environment variable, then add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'buildingsync', '0.2.1'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install 'buildingsync'
All of the features described above are provided by the translator class, as shown in the following sample code. There are also BuildingSync Gem example files in this repository.
require 'buildingsync/translator'
building_sync_xml_file_path = 'path/to/bsync.xml'
out_path = 'path/to/output_dir'
# initializing the translator
translator =, out_path)
# generating the OpenStudio Model and writing the osm file.
# path/to/output_dir/SR and path/to/output_dir/in.osm created
# generating the OpenStudio workflows and writing the osw files
# auc:Scenario elements with measures are turned into new simulation dirs
# path/to/output_dir/scenario_name
# run all simulations
# gather the results for all scenarios found in out_path,
# such as annual and monthly data for different energy
# sources (electricity, natural gas, etc.)
# Add in UserDefinedFields, which contain information about the
# OpenStudio model run
# write results to xml
# default file name is 'results.xml'
file_name = 'abc-123.xml'
Check out the repository and then execute:
bundle install
bundle exec rake
The documentation of the BuildingSync-Gem is done with Yard ( To generate the documentation locally do the following:
gem install yard
SITEMAP_BASEURL= bundle exec yard doc --plugin sitemap
Documentation for the develop branch is automatically released when code is merged into the branch.
bundle exec rake rubocop:auto_correct
bundle exec rake release