Bulkley-Valley-Cross-Country-Ski-Club / mapping

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bulkley Valley Nordic Centre Trails Map

QGIS project file and associated data to generate various georeferenced PDFs used by the Nordic Centre.

Generate and Persist Outputs


Pushes to the master branch will trigger an export of all QGIS Layouts and upload to a public-readable Google Drive account.


Previous exports are named according to commit SHA. The following links will always reference the latest file versions:

Map Data Edits

Map data edits should be managed via issues and merged to the master branch via Pull Request.


To begin development execute scripts/setup.sh. Note: this will install several pip dependencies and should be executed within a virtual environment. Assumes Python 3.9.7 or higher.

Pre-commit hooks execute flake8, black, and mypy against updated code.

Generate Outputs

Deployment Outputs

Execute cicd/export/scripts/test.sh to generate all outputs locally in output/. Append upload=1 to upload the local directory to Google Drive. GDRIVE_UPLOAD_SERVICE_ACCT_INFO env var must be set to a valid JSON key for a Google Service Account.

Satellite imagery is required for the stadium/Print export. Execute cicd/export/scripts/update-all.sh to download the required imagery if it is missing. This script is run as part of scripts/setup.sh.

Visual Diff Outputs

Execute cicd/compare/scripts/test.sh before=[[ base commit SHA (full) ]] after=[[ head commit SHA (full) ]]. Append upload=1 to upload the local directory to Google Drive. GDRIVE_UPLOAD_SERVICE_ACCT_INFO env var must be set to a valid JSON key for a Google Service Account.