BumbleB2na / Angular_Tour-of-Heroes

Following Angular's Tour of Heroes tutorial
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Angular Tour of Heroes

This project demonstrates my progress while following Angular's Tour of Heroes tutorial.

This is what the completed version looks like: Demo.


This is a completed project that can be used for devleopment. I went beyond this tutorial to add on gulp to generate a distribution build and those additions were made in this other github project.

Development steps:

  1. Began new github repository using Angular quickstart (seeding project) as a boilerplate.
  2. Is displaying hero details like in this demo.
  3. Hero list now displaying mock data with click to view details, like: this demo.
  4. Wrote reusable HeroDetailComponent. Nothing visibly changed.
  5. Wrote HeroService to separate data in to own layer. AppComponent refactored to work like master class, initializing HeroService mock data and simulating data request from server. Nothing visibly changed.
  6. Dashboard view, Routing to Details view, Wrote custom RoutingModule, Wrote Partial/mini-Details view, and added app styling. It now looks like this demo.
  7. Next task is to replace mock data with HTTP calls to remote server's web API. Left off here in tutorial.