BurnhamG / packtpub-downloader

Script to download all your books from PacktPub inspired by https://github.com/ozzieperez/packtpub-library-downloader
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PacktPub Downloader

Script to download all your PacktPub books inspired by https://github.com/ozzieperez/packtpub-library-downloader

Since PacktPub restructured their website packtpub-library-downloader became obsolete because the downloader used webscraping. So I figured out that now PacktPub uses a REST API. Then I found which endpoint to use for downloading books and made a simple script. Feel free to fork and PR to improve. Packtpub's API isn't documented :'(


pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py -e <email> -p <password> [-d <directory> -b <book file types> -i <book ids> -l -s -v -q]
Example: Download books in PDF format
python main.py -e hello@world.com -p p@ssw0rd -d ~/Desktop/packt -b pdf

Commandline Options

Book File Types

I'm working on Python 3.6.0