BusinessOptics / dash_interactive_graphviz

An interactive graphviz viewer for Dash
MIT License
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Dash Interactive Graphviz

Dash Interactive Graphviz renders the graphviz or dot language in a dash component.

Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.

It supports:


You can install with pip (or anything else)

pip install dash_interactive_graphviz

Usage is simple, below shows how to instantiate the component on its own.

import dash_interactive_graphviz

dot_source = """
digraph  {
  a ->b->d


When a node or edge is clicked the selected_node or selected_edge property will change.

NOTE [Pending deprecation] selected is replaced by selected_node.

Hooks on selected graph elements allow you to change elements of your Dash app when a graph element is selected. For example:

    Output( ..., ... ),
    [Input('graph', 'selected_node')]
def change_my_view(selected):
    # Do something with selected

You can see a basic example in

Often you may want to update the dot_source based on the selected graph element. This is supported, and you can see an example in

You can change the layout engine through the engine prop. See for more information.


The following behaviors are enabled: