ButterflyBug / Tesco_delivery_checker

MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link

Tesco delivery checker

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Recommended Python version 3.8.0


$ pipenv install --dev

Running the script

The script run_checker.py requires proper environmental variables to be set up before its code is run. They are essential for that program so that it is able to successfully log into the website and obtain all needed information about available or unavailable slots.

Environment variables

Variable Description Default
$ TESCO_EMAIL Login to your Tesco account
$ TESCO_PASSWORD Password to your Tesco account
$ WAIT_TIME How often run_checker.py is performed in seconds 3600
$ SENDGRID_API_KEY API key to your SendGrid account
$ EMAIL_NOTIFICATION Email address which notification should be sent on


$ pytest

Update cassettes

To record a new cassette needed to run tests, that invalid one should be deleted. Once the file is removed, the newest version and updated content of the website can be recorded again.

$ pytest --record-mode=all


The whole project's deployment is prepared to be supported with dokku. To correctly deploy the application to external server some steps need to be followed:

  1. Set up dokku on remote server.

  2. Add remote to your local repository:

    git remote add [remote_name] dokku@[server_address]:[application_name]

    i.e. git remote add dokku@example.com:tesco

  3. Deploy with:

    git push [remote_name] master

  4. Make sure that environment variables are set:

    dokku config:set [application_name] VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE

Code style

This project follows PEP8 style guide.

$ python -m flake8

$ black

Type annotation PEP484 with Mypy

$ mypy [file_path]