Byte-the-Budget / byte_the_budget

MIT License
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Byte the Budget

Byte the Budget is an AI-driven personal finance platform designed to help young professionals and families effectively manage their personal finances, create budgets, save for financial goals, and gain control over their financial well-being.

Project Overview

Managing personal finances can be challenging, especially for young professionals and families with diverse financial goals and varying income sources. The Byte the Budget platform aims to address this challenge by seamlessly integrating AI into personal budgeting and accounting, providing personalized recommendations, and offering comprehensive data visualization dashboards to track financial status and goals.

Key Features

User Personas



Technologies Used


Thank you for considering contributing to Byte the Budget! Your contributions help improve the platform and make it more valuable for users. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest a feature, or contribute code, we appreciate your involvement.

Contributing to Byte the Budget

Thank you for considering contributing to Byte the Budget! Your contributions help improve the platform and make it more valuable for users. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest a feature, or contribute code, we appreciate your involvement.

There are several ways you can contribute to Byte the Budget:

  1. Reporting Bugs: If you encounter any bugs or issues while using the platform, please open a new issue on GitHub. Include detailed information about the problem you encountered and steps to reproduce it.

  2. Suggesting Features: Have an idea for a new feature or improvement? Open a GitHub issue to suggest it. Describe the feature you'd like to see and how it would benefit users.

  3. Contributing Code: If you're comfortable with coding, you can contribute directly to the project by implementing new features, fixing bugs, or improving existing functionality. Fork the repository, create a new branch for your changes, and submit a pull request with your modifications.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.