ByteOtter / OtterDen

A small Flask based blog application. Built for learning purposes only.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG:] Social Links on about page are messy #91

Open ByteOtter opened 1 year ago

ByteOtter commented 1 year ago

Found an issue? Please let us know!

The social links in the box on the about page are a mess. No html spacing seems to work on them they are supposed to be nice and neat under each other in blocks of 4 next to each other. Maybe using a table would help.

Please tick the applicable box(es) regarding the kind of bug you found:

Steps to reproduce

Please provide a detailed description of steps we have to take to reproduce your issue.
Please be aware that bugs which cannot be reproduced cannot be fixed.

Use these snippets as reference:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '...'
  3. Scroll down to '...'
  4. See error

Additional context

Use this section to provide us with additional context.
Especially screenshots are a useful tool to let us reproduce and find issues more quickly.

thiyagarajan17 commented 1 year ago

please assign the issue.. would love to work on it!