ByteOtter / OtterDen

A small Flask based blog application. Built for learning purposes only.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link
behave blog flask flask-application flask-sqlalchemy gherkin html-css-javascript learning python test-automation testing webapp

Welcome to The Otter Den!

The Otter Den

A note on Python 3.11: It is not planned to make OtterDen work with Python 3.11 in the near future.

Currently there seem to be issues wth some dependencies and Python 3.11 which I do not have the time to fix at the moment.

The Otter Den is a small and very simple flask-based online blog. Its purpose is not to be publicly deployed but to serve as a pet project to learn how various aspects of software development and programming work.
Further, The Otter Den will henceforth be referenced as OtterDen as this is less effort to type and it is a name used within the code aswell.

A little bit about its history first: I started this project at the end of 2021 and began in earnest in early 2022 using a series of tutorials by Corey Schafer I found on YouTube.
While I used his great guide as a base my plan is to gradually build on top of it and experiment with different ideas and to really flesh out what OtterDen is.

Features I have added since finishing the tutorial course include:

All of this is still heavily WIP and I will update this list if I have time.


If you read this I assume I made this repository public. If you would like to help build OtterDen please check the Issues section where I have a list of bugs and future features.
Feel free to browse I am thankful for every contribution! :)

Please refer to the Contributing Guide if you need any help.

Security notice

Please note that OtterDen is not intended to be deployed in any capacity. It is a learning project that is best hosted by the greatest hosting service ever: localhost.

Seriously, security vulnarabilities are bound to be present.

Thank you for reading and, if you do, contributing! :)