C0deH4cker / Fission

The programming language that defies the laws of physics
MIT License
23 stars 4 forks source link


The programming language that defies the laws of conservation of mass and energy.

Fission is a 2-dimensional esoteric programming language. The program is comprised of atoms moving around. Each atom has a mass and an energy level, represented as 64-bit signed integers. When an atom is first created, it has a mass of 1 unit and 0 energy. It moves in a straight line either up, down, left or right. It can change direction through various means such as bouncing off of mirrors. The dimensions of the Fission universe are limited only by available system memory.

Atom lifetime

Atoms will continue moving around until a component destroys it. All atoms move once per tick, simultaneously. Multiple atoms can share the same position. When they hit the edge of the grid, they are wrapped around to the other side. Due to a recent discovery in quantum physics, atoms can now have negative masses! When there are no more atoms left on the grid, the program exits with status 0 (except when the * component is hit by an atom with nonzero mass).


Component Name Description
/, \ Diagonal Mirror Purely mirrors to turn control flow.
^, V, <, > Fission Reactor From the sides, these are mirrors to turn control flow. These are fission reactors when hit at the vertex. The atom splits in two: its mass is divided by this component's stored mass (default 2), and the energy of both atoms is decreased by this component's stored energy (default 0). The left half of the split atom is set to mass / value, and the right half is set to mass - left. When an atom hits the back (in the split), its mass and energy are stored in this component (if mass is 0, 1 is stored instead to avoid div by zero).
U, D, L, R Spawner Spawns an atom at this position when the program starts. Direction is up, down, left, or right, respectively. When another atom hits this component, its direction is changed to the component's direction.
A, Y, {, } Fusion Reactor or Cloner When an atom hits a side of a Fusion Reactor, it waits until an atom hits the other side. At this point, the two atoms are fused together by adding their masses and energy levels. This atom is released from the vertex. Cloner when hit from the vertex mass *= stored mass; energy += stored energy, where the stored mass defaults to 1 and the stored energy defaults to 0. The two cloned atoms go 90 degrees to the left and right of the component's vertex. Sets this component's values when hit from the back using the atom's mass and energy, and that atom is then destroyed.
? GetChar When an atom goes here, its mass is replaced by the ASCII value of the input character and its energy is set to 1 if standard input is at EOF and 0 otherwise. All other atoms freeze until input is read. If multiple atoms hit input components at the same time, they are ordered by row, then by column from the top-left. After EOF, all subsequent atoms if any are destroyed.
! PutChar When hit by an atom, the ASCII character represented by its mass is output. Same order as ? for simultaneous occurrences.
O PutChar of Death Same as !, but the atom is destroyed after printing.
$, ~ IncEnergy, DecEnergy Increments or decrements the atom's energy, respectively.
+, _ IncMass, DecMass Increments or decrements the atom's mass, respectively.
%, & Conditional Mirror Allows for conditional control flow. If the atom's energy level is at least 1, it is decremented and the atom bounces as if this component as if it were a \ or / mirror, respectively. Otherwise, the atom bounces as if it were the opposite mirror.
@ Swapper Swaps the atom's mass and energy.
K Stack When an atom with nonnegative energy hits this, its mass is pushed onto the stack, and the atom is destroyed. When hit by an atom with negative energy and the stack is not empty, its mass is replaced by that popped from the stack, its energy is made positive and decremented, and its direction remains unchanged. If the stack is empty, the atom is reflected. The reflected atom's mass will remain unchanged, but its energy will become positive. Storage space is limited only by system memory.
Q Queue Same as a stack (K), except this is a queue (FIFO rather than LIFO).
E Array NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Atoms with nonnegative energy are inserted into the array. The energy is used as the index, and the atom's mass is the value. The atom is then destroyed. The array will expand to contain the index if necessary. Elements are initialized to 0, and existing elements are replaced when inserting. If the atom's energy is negative, this signals an array lookup. The energy is made positive and decremented, then the value at that index in the array is used as the atom's new mass. The atom's energy and direction remain unchanged. Internally this is implemented with a map rather than an array, so every operation takes constant time and memory is not wasted on unused elements.
P Program Array NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Same as E, except the array that is accessed is actually the Fission universe. The position in the program referenced is (energy % width, energy / width). This provides a way for Fission programs to modify themselves. If the atom's energy is greater than x * y, it dies and nothing is read or written.
Z, S Rotator Act as rotational mirrors. Atoms will turn 90 degrees to the left or right, respectively, when the hit this component. Any atom with at least 1 energy will pass straight through this, and its energy will be decremented.
X Linear Cloner Cloning mirror that duplicates the atom. One copy keeps moving forward, and the other is reflected.
: Filter LIKELY TO CHANGE. Performs integer division by 2 on the atom's mass.
; Destroyer Destroys atoms when they hit this component.
* Terminator Causes the program to terminate and all atoms are destroyed after this tick. The mass of the atom that caused termination is used as the exit code. If multiple atoms hit the same exit cell within the same tick, the highest mass will be used as the exit code.
# Randomizer Makes the atom move in a random direction (forward, left, or right). Atoms will not be reflected.
M, W, [, ] DirSetter The atom's direction is set to down, up, right, or left, respectively.
|, - Flat Mirror Atoms are reflected horizontally or vertically, respectively. From the edge, does nothing.
[a-z] Unassigned LIKELY TO BE ASSIGNED. Description
[0-9] Wormhole These are teleporters. When the atom hits a teleporter it will be transported to the next teleporter in order. Atoms will retain their mass, energy, and direction upon teleportation. If there is only one teleporter, it will have no effect. The order of teleporters is defined as follows: If two teleporters are in the same row, the order is left to right. Otherwise, the order is top to bottom. If there is no teleporter after the one that was hit, the atom will be teleported to the first one on the grid.
" Printer Toggles printing mode. When an atom is in printing mode, it will print every character it encounters until the next ". Once printing is done, the atom's mass is set to the number of characters printed.
' Setter The atom's mass will be set to the ASCII value of the next character it hits, and that component will not be evaluated.
J Jumper Causes any atom that hits this to instantly jump forward a certain number of cells, depending on its energy. An atom that has 1 energy will jump forward over 1 component after this one, if it has 0 energy, it will jump to the next element, and if it has negative energy it will jump backwards. The atom's energy is spent by jumping, so it will be 0 when it lands.
N Endline Prints a newline character.
C Cleanser Clears the atom to its initial state (set the atom's mass to 1 and energy to 0).
I Inverter Inverts the atom's energy (multiplies it by -1).
` | Skipper | Skips over all components until the matching `. This happens instantly (like with teleporters or J).
G Goto NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, and LIKELY TO CHANGE. Go to the position (mass % width, mass / width). The atom's mass will be set to x + y * width, where x and y are the coordinates of this component.
, Delayer NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. The mass of the first atom to hit this component is used as a tick delay count, and that atom is destroyed. Every atom after the first that hits this will wait for that many ticks before continuing.
T Toggler NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Toggles debug printing mode on and off.

Reserved for future use: BFH()=. These currently have no effect, but will eventually be implemented.

All other characters are currently ignored, and atoms will pass through them without changing.


Simplest hello world (almost looks like a normal language):

R"Hello, world!"N;

This program is functionally the same:

;N"!dlrow ,olleH"L

As is this one:



Slightly more complex hello world:

           [......V   !  
   Start   .      .   w  
       \   .      .   !  
        |  .      +   o  
!l!d!N; V  .  /...^...\!r
        R../  .comment.  
              . block .  
!l!e!h\       \...Y.../o!
      .***********.   !  
      .*Comments *.   '  
      .* can go  *.      

Reverses stdin and writes it to stdout:

K  A /

Equivalent pseudocode:

while not eof():
    c = getchar()

while not stack.empty():
    c = stack.pop()