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Technical review A Digital Toolbox for Studying the LGBTQ World, 1965-1990 #105

Closed eliselavy closed 1 year ago

eliselavy commented 1 year ago

Technical review A Digital Toolbox for Studying the LGBTQ World, 1965-1990 https://github.com/jdh-observer/X3MGSKqAycaT

see email for question

eliselavy commented 1 year ago

Adaptation needs to be made on the frontend https://github.com/C2DH/journal-of-digital-history/issues/533

eliselavy commented 1 year ago

=> you can resynchronise from here: https://github.com/jdh-observer/X3MGSKqAycaT/blob/main/article.ipynb

install.packages('IRkernel')  # Don’t forget step 2/3!

If you use Docker and for mybinder FROM rocker/binder:4.2.0 needs to be use

regan008 commented 1 year ago

Hi @eliselavy! When you say "=> you can resynchronise from here: https://github.com/jdh-observer/X3MGSKqAycaT/blob/main/article.ipynb" do you mean I need to bring my version of the notebook up to date with the version linked here? I'm a bit unclear on what exactly I need to do.

I'm also a bit unclear on what you mean by "If you use Docker and for mybinder FROM rocker/binder:4.2.0 needs to be use" -- I do have docker installed. Where would I find rocker/binder:4.2.0 and how would I install that? I may be misunderstanding the direction here.

regan008 commented 1 year ago

And for the leaflet map - I can't seem to get the map to display like you have it above. I've installed those R packages you mention but the code in the screenshot doesn't work for me. I get no output when I run that cell. Is the adaption that needs to happen on my end or yours? I'm a bit unsure about next steps here.

eliselavy commented 1 year ago

Hi @eliselavy! When you say "=> you can resynchronise from here: https://github.com/jdh-observer/X3MGSKqAycaT/blob/main/article.ipynb" do you mean I need to bring my version of the notebook up to date with the version linked here? I'm a bit unclear on what exactly I need to do.

I'm also a bit unclear on what you mean by "If you use Docker and for mybinder FROM rocker/binder:4.2.0 needs to be use" -- I do have docker installed. Where would I find rocker/binder:4.2.0 and how would I install that? I may be misunderstanding the direction here.

@regan008 In fact only tag for figures have been added and the output genererated, you can add the tag by yourself with the name you want as it specified in the documentation.

For mybinder i will do the technical check if you want - i see you specify a version to use for R that is not compatible with the leaflet library

eliselavy commented 1 year ago

And for the leaflet map - I can't seem to get the map to display like you have it above. I've installed those R packages you mention but the code in the screenshot doesn't work for me. I get no output when I run that cell. Is the adaption that needs to happen on my end or yours? I'm a bit unsure about next steps here.

@regan008 Our frontend (it means the JDH interface) needs to be adapted as i wrote you but at least the map needs to be generated in your notebook. The map is not generated in your notebook, isn'it? Do you have an error? Check the version you use by executing the following code in a cell code: R.version and share it

regan008 commented 1 year ago

@eliselavy Yeah for whatever reason, I'm having trouble getting that map to show up in my notebook. Most of the time I just get nothing in return. I'm running R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) in the docker setup recommended by the journal. Any ideas?

eliselavy commented 1 year ago


You should at least have an error message:

If the package is not installed:

Error in library(leaflet): there is no package called ‘leaflet’
1. library(leaflet)

Check where the package is installed, run the line below in a notebook code cell system.file(package='leaflet')

When I run via Docker:

Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 17 14 27

When I run locally:

Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 17 19 59

You mentioned version R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) in the docker setup but the version in the file is 4.2.0, see documentation here: https://github.com/C2DH/journal-of-digital-history-jupyter-stack#for-rs-user Maybe we can a quick talk via webex ?, please contact me by email, free tomorrow except 2pm-3pm Luxembourg time

eliselavy commented 1 year ago

appointment fixed for today 3pm