C2DH / jdh-notebook

A collection of Jupyter notebooks for the Journal of Digital History
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link


Single file via Juypter notebook


Single file via Juypter lab



Jupyter notebook's contents for the journal of digital history

To execute the POC_graph

Run the requirements.txt in order to install the librairies

pip install -r requirements.txt

To execute request_dataverse

Create an .env file based on the .env.example

DH Nord workshop

Presentation available here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NQTos1FtiFQZbOuXp7sIsONR_un81V2aR_ug_IY4jpk/edit#slide=id.gfb18a08927_0_16

Add a notebook as a section of the Author Guidelines

Guidelines are composed by a series of notebooks available in ./examples/Author_Guideline. Their filename has the -raw suffix because they need to be "skimmed" :D with the github action prepare-guideline-notebooks to be correctly published on the website.

Please add all the relevant notebook as single entries in the list of this repo actions in ./.github/workflows/prepare-guideline-notebooks.yml and follow the full documentation at https://github.com/C2DH/journal-of-digital-history/wiki#how-to-write-the-contents-for-the-guidelines-page

    name: Skim introduction
    id: skim
    uses: c2dh/journal-of-digital-history-ipynb-skim-action@master
      notebook: 'examples/Author_Guideline/introduction-raw.ipynb'
      output_notebook: 'examples/Author_Guideline/introduction.ipynb'