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Technical review, design review, copy-edit after accept: imagineRio Narratives: A Map-based Writing App for Rio de Janeiro #162

Closed inactinique closed 3 weeks ago

inactinique commented 2 months ago


eliselavy commented 2 months ago

To synchronize with the repo of the author:

Thanks again for your patience, we have now finalized all revisions.

We've added two paragraphs on our approach to Historical GIS and other minor changes throughout the article.

eliselavy commented 2 months ago

Sent for copy-editing

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

Copy editing can be integrated @biumiamy and look at design Word: https://github.com/jdh-observer/jdh002-m734RWDSLo9C/blob/main/m734RWDSLo9C.docx Md: https://github.com/jdh-observer/jdh002-m734RWDSLo9C/blob/main/narratives.md

biumiamy commented 1 month ago

corrections integrated on separate branch: https://github.com/jdh-observer/jdh002-m734RWDSLo9C/tree/corrections

biumiamy commented 1 month ago

design feedback:

"(Karasch 1987:60, Linhares, Lévy 1971:129)" (and many more..) wrong formatting? should be Chicago style 2024-05-24 17_08_52-Window

I can do it.. or we tell the author. What is better?

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

corrections integrated on separate branch: https://github.com/jdh-observer/jdh002-m734RWDSLo9C/tree/corrections

consolidation made - correction in .ipynb

@biumiamy design check if this action need to be integrated https://github.com/C2DH/template_repo_JDH/blob/main/.github/workflows/github-actions-publishing.yml

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

design feedback:

"(Karasch 1987:60, Linhares, Lévy 1971:129)" (and many more..) wrong formatting? should be Chicago style 2024-05-24 17_08_52-Window

I can do it.. or we tell the author. What is better?

need to do it @biumiamy don't forget to fetch the GitHub repo as i merge in main already, wrong formatting for the pages

unequal. Tens of thousands of slaves landed in Rio yearly, most enroute to plantations and mines inland, but some remaining behind. At the turn of the nineteenth century, approximately 47 percent of Rio's residents were enslaved (<cite data-cite="7748027/C6Q3NJHF"></cite>:60, <cite data-cite="7748027/E4NNMKER"></cite>:129).

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

We need just to have a cover image to illustrate the article @buccalon

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

We need just to have a cover image to illustrate the article @buccalon

Not mandatory finally if some media included in the paper

@biumiamy social media

biumiamy commented 1 month ago

social media cover added: https://github.com/jdh-observer/jdh002-m734RWDSLo9C/blob/main/socialmediacover.png

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

Tweets + copyright template to request + preview for last check

eliselavy commented 1 month ago

Ready to publish @inactinique copyright save in atlas tweets attached in the repo

inactinique commented 4 weeks ago

After discussion with authors on the published version: video to be uploaded to Vimeo instead of youtube to avoid ads. @biumiamy can you do that?

video is on github, media folder of the article repo.

eliselavy commented 3 weeks ago

After discussion with authors on the published version: video to be uploaded to Vimeo instead of youtube to avoid ads. @biumiamy can you do that?

video is on github, media folder of the article repo.

@biumiamy concerns figure-6 - md to update

eliselavy commented 3 weeks ago

vimeo integrated https://journalofdigitalhistory.org/en/article/m734RWDSLo9C?idx=46 everything there for publication