C3C0 / oos-call-recording

Magisk module for enabling call recording feature in OxygenOS without changing region
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OOS Call Recording Enabler

Enables call recording feature in OxygenOS for "over-seas" users without changing region to China.


This is a Magisk alternative to a build.prop method originally introduced by sparky vicky@XDA which was based on changing system-wide region to China, which resulted in quite many unpredictable side-effects for "over-seas" region users. Magisk module modifies only a necessary part of the system without changing current region.


What gets modified

Module replaces stock in-call screen app (/system/priv-app/OPInCallUI). The one and only modification is that isSupportCallRecorder() method of OPPhoneUtils class was made to always return true.


Source code

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