C3S / redmine_openpgp

Redmine plugin for email encryption with the OpenPGP standard
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 10 forks source link

=============== Redmine OpenPGP

A plugin for Redmine to enhance the security of email communication by

developed for C3S - (Cultural Commons Collecting Society) <https://c3s.cc>_


Users may

Administrators may

Encrypted mails may be

Unencrypted mails may be

Notifications affected:



This plugin has been tested with ::

gnupg    1.4.18
ruby     2.1.5p273
rails    4.2.3
redmine  3.1.0
gpgme    2.0.9
mail-gpg 0.2.4

Note: gpg == 2.0.X will not work (see here <https://stackoverflow.com/a/27768542>_). gpg >= 2.1 will probably work, if a gpgme passphrase callback function is added to the code (but is still missing). Downgrade to 1.X or install 1.X parallel and symlink /usr/bin/gpg to /usr/bin/gpg2


. Change into plugin directory

 ``$cd /path/to/redmine/plugins``

. Clone this repo into /path/to/redmine/plugins/openpgp

 ``$git clone https://github.com/C3S/redmine_openpgp openpgp``

. Import the public PGP key for signature verification

 ``$git show pgp | gpg --import``

. Verify the signature

 ``$git tag --verify 1.0``

. Change to current release tag

 ``$git checkout tags/1.0``

. Change into redmine root directory

 ``$cd /path/to/redmine``

. Install gems

 ``$bundle install``

. Migrate database

 ``$RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate``

. Restart redmine

 ``$sudo service apache2 restart``



. Configure redmine

. Configure plugin

. Add or generate a private PGP key for the redmine server

Note: The remote server needs enough entropy to generate random, secure keys. If the server side generation process does not proceed or the client side connection has a timeout, connect to the remote server and try ls -R / several times. If you use rngd for entropy generation, be advised not to use /dev/urandom as source for important keys.

Adding an existing private PGP key server-side

#. Export the private PGP key (ascii armored) and save it into a file on the server

#. Change into redmine root directory

     ``$cd /path/to/redmine``

#. Use a rake task to add the existing key, deleting the old one. Point ``keyfile`` to the absolute path to the key file and choose a ``secret``:

     ``$RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake redmine:update_redmine_pgpkey keyfile="/path/to/key.asc" secret="passphrase"``

Generating a new private PGP key server-side

. Change into redmine root directory

 ``$cd /path/to/redmine``

. Use a rake task to generate the new key, deleting the old one. Choose a secret:

 ``$RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake redmine:generate_redmine_pgpkey secret="passphrase"``

Managing a private PGP keys client-side

#. Log into redmine as administrator

#. Visit http://REDMINE.URL/pgp (or follow the new "PGP" link in the account menue)

#. Follow the instructions (on the right side)


#. Log into redmine

#. Visit http://REDMINE.URL/pgp (or follow the new "PGP" link in the account menue)

#. Add your public PGP key

#. Copy & paste the public PGP key for the redmine server into a local file on your machine

#. Import this file into your local gpg key ring

*Note:* The private PGP key for the redmine server has to be added by an administrator, before the corresponding public PGP key is displayed.


#. Change into redmine root directory

     ``$cd /path/to/redmine``

#. Downgrade the database

     ``$RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=openpgp VERSION=0``

#. Remove the files

     ``$rm -r /path/to/redmine/plugins/openpgp``


The table ``pgpkeys`` is added to the redmine database:

- each entry associates a redmine user (``user_id``) with the unique fingerprint of a key (``fpr``). This allows for matching fingerprints instead of email address, thus enabling redmine users to delete/update their keys and use keys, which don't match their email address
- the entry with ``user_id`` 0 is reserved for the private key of the redmine server additionally containing the secret passphrase (``secret``)

The following gems are used:

- ``mail-gpg`` for de-/encryption and signature handling within ``Mail`` / ``ActionMailer``
- ``gpgme`` to interact with ``gpg`` running on the server

Whenever a key is added:

- the key is imported into the ``gpg`` key ring of the system user owning the redmine process
- an entry is added to the table ``pgpkeys``

Whenever a key is removed:

- the corresponding entry in the table ``pgpkeys`` is deleted
- if there are no other references to this key within the table ``pgpkeys``:

  - the key is **removed from the gpg key ring** as well

Whenever a mail is sent:

- if the plugin is enabled globally or on project level:

  - if the recipient owns a key:

    - the mail is encryted for the recipient
    - if the redmine server owns a key:

      - the mail is signed by the redmine user

  - else: the mail is blocked / filtered / passed unchanged, depending on the plugin settings

Whenever a mail is recieved:

- it will be decrypted if encrypted

- depending on the plugin settings it will be rejected if the signature is invalid


- Add tests
- Add languages
- Add LDAP integration for importing keys
- Add gpgme passphrase callback for ``gpg`` >= 2.1, retaining compatibility to ``gpg`` < 2


- `GPG <http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x56.html>`_ (reference)
- `ActionMailer <http://apidock.com/rails/ActionMailer/Base>`_ (reference)
- `mail <http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/mail>`_ (reference)
- `gpgme <http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/gpgme/2.0.9>`_ (reference)
- `mail-gpg <http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/mail-gpg/0.2.4>`_ (reference)
- `PGP/MIME <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3156.txt>`_ (RFC)
- `PGP Formats <http://binblog.info/2008/03/12/know-your-pgp-implementation/>`_ (explanation)


- `Alexander Blum <https://github.com/timegrid>`_


    Redmine plugin for email encryption with the OpenPGP standard
    Copyright (C) 2015 Alexander Blum <a.blum@free-reality.net>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.