CAD97 / katex-doc

XaaS for KaTeX on
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XaaS: Use KaTeX on!

Thanks to pwnies for bringing this method to where I noticed it. Technically relies on this bug in See the result on!

Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

rustdoc-args = [

And use $`inline\ math`$ or

display-style\ math

If it so happens that that path does not always work (because this crate's build isn't in cache),
download [katex.html]( from this repository,
then put it at the root of your repository, include it in your publish,
and replace the reference to `` with your crate.

For local documentation builds, acquire `katex.html` and use `cargo rustdoc --open -- --html-in-header katex.html`. If
you know how to get `cargo doc` to set flags for rustdoc for just one crate when it's in the dependency graph, so that
KaTeX-enabled docs can render properly when building docs as a dependency, please open an issue so we can document it.