C++ implementation of FITS to IDIA-HDF5 converter, optimised using OpenMP
Packages for the last two Ubuntu LTS releases are available from the CARTA PPA. Currently Bionic (18.04) and Focal (20.04) are officially supported.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cartavis-team/carta
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fits2idia
RPM packages are available from the CARTA RPM package repository. We officially support the latest versions of RHEL 7 or CentOS 7, and RHEL 8 or AlmaLinux 8 (or equivalent).
RHEL 7 / CentOS 7:
sudo yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://packages.cartavis.org/cartavis.repo
sudo yum -y install fits2idia
RHEL 8 / AlmaLinux 8:
sudo yum -y install yum-utils
sudo yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
sudo yum-config-manager --enable powertools
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://packages.cartavis.org/cartavis.repo
sudo yum -y install fits2idia
brew install cartavis/tap/fits2idia
AppImages built for the x86_64
and aarch64
architectures can be downloaded from the latest release page.
wget https://github.com/CARTAvis/fits2idia/releases/latest/download/fits2idia.AppImage.`arch`.tgz
tar -xzf fits2idia.AppImage.`arch`.tgz
Dependencies: CFITSIO, HDF5, HDF5 C++ bindings
To install:
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
Run the executable with no parameters to see a list of options. The most important are:
-o Output filename
-s Use slower but less memory-intensive method (enable if memory allocation fails)
-p Print progress output (by default the program is silent)
-m Report predicted memory usage and exit without performing the conversion
-z Include calculation of mipmaps along 3rd axis of dataset
A system administrator may set a memory usage limit in the /etc/fits2idiarc
configuration file. The executable will not attempt to convert a file if the
predicted memory usage exceeds this limit. A value of 0
means that there is no
limit. Use a very small value (like 1
) to disable all conversions.
An example configuration file is provided in the static
directory, and is
installed by the Ubuntu package to usr/share/doc/fits2idia/examples
Automatically generated Doxygen documentation can be found at cartavis.org/fits2idia.