CAYdenberg / wp-impactpubs

Update publications on website and add ImpactStory badges
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

=== ImpactPubs ===

Search PubMed, ORCiD, or ImpactStory and display publication information on your blog or website. Altmetric information from ImpactStory can be included.

== Description ==

This is a WordPress plugin to automatically display a publication profile on a website.

Results can be pulled from PubMed, ORCiD, or ImpactStory, and will be automatically updated daily.

One profile can be created per blog user.


If your site has multiple users, each user can create their own publications list on the dashboard. The shortcode is then changed into:

[publications name=login_name]

To retrieve results from PubMed: Because PubMed does not use unique identifiers for a authors, you must come up with a way to search for yourself that distinguishes you from other people in the database.

For example:

To retrieve results from ORCiD: First, go to and create your publication profile (very easy to do). On the left side of your profile, you should see a 16 digit number. Copy this number down to access your profile from ImpactPubs.

To retrieve results from ImpactStory: go to and create a profile. Your name in URL format (eg is entered as the identifier.

NOTE: This Plugin works by making a remote call to the National Library of Medicine's E-Utilities. (, to ORCiD ( and to ImpactStory (

The creator(s) of the Plugin assume no responsibility for the accuracy or cleanliness of the data retrieved from these remote services. Use at your own risk.


  1. Download the Plugin and activate it.

  2. Go to PubMed ( and find a unique string search string to identify the papers you would like to display.

  3. Alternatively, go to ORCiD ( and create your profile. Copy down the 16 digit number on the left-hand side of your profile.

  4. Alternatively, go to ImpactStory ( and create a profile. Copy down your username.

  5. Enter your preferred search method, the search string, ORCiD number or your name at ImpactStory as the "identifier".

  6. Wherever you'd like the publications list to appear, type [publications name=loginname], where loginname is your WordPress login name.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Example of required user input. This is a form on the Wordpress dashboard.

  2. Example of output the end-user sees upon requesting the page. Style may vary depending on your WordPress theme.

== Changelog ==

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