Classifying RNA-seq samples into different tumor types.
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TULIP - TUmor CLassIfication Predictor tulip

TULIP (the TUmor cLassIfication Predictor) classifies RNA-Seq samples into tumor types.


TULIP is a 1D convolutional neural network for classifying RNA-Seq data with 60K genes or 19K protein coding genes. TULIP can classify either list into 17 or 32 tumor types.

The resource transfer team trained and validated the models in TULIP on over 9,000 TCGA RNA-Seq files from the Genomic Data Commons (GDC) in February 2022. To use TULIP, the user must provide a file of RNA-Seq data expressed as FPKM-UQ (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads upper quartile) for one or more samples. TULIP then converts FPKM-UQ values to TPM (transcripts per million), performs log10 normalization, and reformats the data into the correct dimensions before applying the selected model. TULIP generates two files, as described in the following table:

Example File for 17 Tumor Types and All 60K Genes Example File for 32 Tumor Types and Protein Coding Genes File Contents
predictions_17_all.csv predictions_32_pc.csv Only the predicted primary tumor types and their probability scores.
predictions_full_17_all.csv predictions_full_32_pc.csv The probabilitity scores for each tumor type for a full reference.

The naming convention of the output files reflect the model used and the file contents.

Software Setup

To set up the Python environment for TULIP:

  1. Install conda package manager.

  2. Clone this repository.

    git clone https://github.com/CBIIT/TULIP.git
  3. Create the environment as shown below.

    conda env create -f environment.yml -n tulip
    conda activate tulip

These commands generate an initial folder structure without a models folder.

Downloading Model Weights

To download the model weights needed for running TULIP:

  1. Create an account on the Model and Data Clearinghouse MoDaC.

  2. Run the following command.

    python modac_file_download.py
  3. When prompted, enter your MoDaC credentials. The script creates a models folder and downloads files from the TULIP asset in MoDaC to this folder.

Folder Structure

After performing the Software Setup steps and downloading the model weights, the following folder structure is available:

├── example_data/                 # folder containing example input files
├── example_results/              # folder containing example output files
├── gene_lists/                   # folder containing lists for 19K and 60K genes
├── labels/                       # folder containing lists for 17 and 32 tumor types
├── models/                       # folder containing model weights
│   ├── cnn_17_pc_weights.h5      # model weights for 17 tumor types and 19K protein coding genes
│   ├── cnn_17_weights.h5         # model weights for 17 tumor types and 60K genes
│   ├── cnn_32_pc_weights.h5      # model weights for 32 tumor types and 19K protein coding genes
│   ├── cnn_32_weights.h5         # model weights for 32 tumor types and 60K genes
├── utils                         # Python helper scripts
├── environment.yml               # Python and libraries to run TULIP
├── modac_file_download.py        # Python script to download model weights from MoDaC
├── tulip.py                      # Python script of TULIP
└── ...

Data Setup

TULIP accepts the RNA-seq data expressed as FPKM-UQ, in CSV, XLSX, and TSV file formats.

Arrange the data with the Ensembl IDs in the first column and the expression values starting from the third column, as shown in the following example:

gene_id gene_name CPT0019990006 CPT0017440009 CPT0077290006
ENSG00000000003.13 TSPAN6 157778.5731 76515.8557 205326.5947
ENSG00000000005.5 TNMD 2828.4868 3321.4867 5517.4428
ENSG00000000419.11 DPM1 508866.9116 332778.5383 468852.2266

The example_data folder provides example files with 60K genes and 19K protein coding genes. The CPTAC samples (from GDC) included in these files represent kidney cancer.

If the data file contains any duplicate Ensembl IDs, TULIP removes them. Additionally, if the data file is missing any Ensembl IDs, TULIP adds them and sets the expression values to 0 for each sample.

Running TULIP

To run TULIP, run a command in the following format:

   python tulip.py -i <path/to/file> [options]

Consider the following example commands:

TULIP parameters:

Required? Parameter Description Default
Yes -i, --input The full path of the gene expression matrix file (FPKM-UQ) in the required format. (None)
No -t, --types The number of tumor types, 17 or 32, to use for classification. 32
No -g, --genes Indicate 'all' to use all 60K genes or 'pc' to use only the 19K protein coding genes. pc
No -o, --output_dir The full path to the output directory. (Current directory)
No -m, --min_score The minimum probability score (0.0 to 1.0) for keeping the predicted primary tumor type. (None)


TULIP is a newer version of NCI-DOE-Collab-Pilot1-Tumor-Classifier.

This work has been supported in part by the Joint Design of Advanced Computing Solutions for Cancer (JDACS4C) program established by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health.