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Reference Genome JSON file and RNA-seq Updates #344

Closed skchronicles closed 5 years ago

skchronicles commented 5 years ago

PCA part of initial QC DEG_ALL folder is created during initialQC for all sample reporting All subread (gene/gene_junction/junction) output is reported to DEG_ALL All sample RSEM output is reported to DEGALL extra columns in for cpm cutoff and minsamples (with this cutoff) create "DEG< group1 >-< group2 > _ < cpmcutoff > < minsamples >" folders in the working folder contrasts specific RSEM output (only groups in contrast) is reported in "DEG< group1 >-< group2 > < cpmcutoff > < minsamples >" ... it is preformated to integer from float. DEG only performed for RSEM_genes for now is required to run initial qc ... this is not reflected in the GUI same contrasts can be rerun with different cpmcutoffs old "DEG*" folders are removed and can be provided at the initial qc stage ... is required warning added for selecting the wrong genome ... ie GRCh38 can only be selected for scRNASeq pipeline annotations for existing genomes updated hs37d5 and hs38d1 added for RNASeq and ChIPSeq pipelines. "Low abundance" stuff for CPM and minsamples cutoffs from the DEG gui frame have been removed (commented out)

kopardev commented 5 years ago

All changes look good