The Platform for Online Group Studies (POGS) is a tool to study collective learning.
cp sample.env .env
This file has all the usernames and passwords used in the system. It is advised to change this on production setups.docker image prune
docker-compose up
On startup expect some issues with the node server, as it loads faster than the mysql initial server setup. It will automatically restart until the mysql
Open a browser window at :
Select the file found in others/
or another POGS generated study configuration dump file.
And click the button INITIALIZE
After confirmation go to:
Use the following credentials:
Password: pogs1234
The first time docker will install everything we need to run POGS, it may take a while. The next executions will be a lot faster. The .mysql/ dir will save database changes between server restarts.
To stop it just hit
ctrl + c
1 Install all dependencies
Install nodejs (used for sass) version v9.11.1
On macs be sure to use the java 8 home
"export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`;java -version"
2 On mysql create a new database:
3 Open file application-database-config.yml Adjust the username and password to the ones you configured during the mysql database installation
username: root
password: 1234
4 Make sure that redis-server is running.
$redis-cli ping
if not start it with:
$redis-server &
5 Go to the root directory and run
mvn clean compile package install
6 Go to Intellij and use RUN the configuration called "POGS (development)". If you don't see that configuration, you can also run the application directly from the PlatformForOnlineGroupStudiesApplication
class. Make sure you set the active profile to development, which enables hot reloading of static files.
or run as standalone server:
7 Run as standalone server:
In the root directory:
java -jar target/pogs-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
If you are setting up the system in a RedHat remember to allow proxy to connect
mysql> alter database `etherpad_lite_db` CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_bin;
mysql> alter table `store` convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
mysql> alter table `store` change `key` `key` varchar(100) character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
mysql> alter table `store` change `value` `value` longtext character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;