CCI-MOC / process_csv_report

Some scripts to help process our billing reports
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Process CSV reports

The processing script takes in the monthly invoices and goes through several processing and exporting steps:

  1. Combines all provided invoices (more info below)
  2. Check for PI aliases in invoices
  3. Obtain each PI's institution name
  4. Exports the non-billable invoice (more info below) and Lenovo invoice
  5. Apply the New PI credit (more info below)
  6. Exports the billable invoice
  7. Export the HU-BU invoice, PI-specific invoice, and the BU Internal invoice which applies the BU subsidy

The flowchart below summarizes the invoices being created and their dependencies:

invoice flowchart

The CSV invoices must at least contain the following headers:

usage: [-h] [--fetch-from-s3] [--upload-to-s3] --invoice-month INVOICE_MONTH --pi-file PI_FILE --projects-file PROJECTS_FILE --timed-projects-file
                         TIMED_PROJECTS_FILE [--nonbillable-file NONBILLABLE_FILE] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [--output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER]
                         [--BU-invoice-file BU_INVOICE_FILE] [--HU-BU-invoice-file HU_BU_INVOICE_FILE] [--Lenovo-file LENOVO_FILE] [--old-pi-file OLD_PI_FILE]
                         [--alias-file ALIAS_FILE] --BU-subsidy-amount BU_SUBSIDY_AMOUNT
                         [csv_files ...] error: the following arguments are required: --invoice-month, --pi-file, --projects-file, --timed-projects-file, --BU-subsidy-amount

E.g. python test1.csv test2.csv --invoice-month 2024-02 --pi-file pi.txt --projects-file projects.txt --timed-projects-file timed_projects.txt --BU-subsidy-amount 100

New PI Credit

Applies the New PI credit, which is a credit applied for PIs who have not created a project on the NERC. An file containing a list of known PIs and their date of first appearace must be provided

The file of old pis may look like this:,2024-01,2023-11


Automates the process of removing non-billable PIs and projects from the supplied csv report.

A file containing list of PIs may look like:


A file containing list of projects to be excluded may look like:


blah blah

A file containing list of timed projects will looks like this:

PI,Project,Start Date,End Date,Reason,project foo,2023-09,2024-08,Internal,project bar,2023-09,2024-08,Internal

The script will gather the invoice month from the csv reports and if it falls under the start and end date then those projects will be excluded. In this example, project foo will not be billed for September 2023 and August 2024 and all the months in between for total of 1 year.

Combine CSVs

This script also combines the 3 separate Invoice data CSVs into 1 Invoice CSV. It combines OpenShift SU, OpenStack SU, and Storage SU data.