CEA-MetroCarac / pystack3d

Package to process images stacks (typically from 3D FIB-SEM)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PyStack3D is a package dedicated to images correction intended -for instance- to FIB-SEM stack images postprocessing before image segmentation.

The pystack3d workflow includes the following process steps which can be activated or not and executed in any order:

An additional step named cropping_final can be used to eliminate artefacts produced near the edges during the image processing or to select another ROI at the end.

a) Synthetic case illustrating the defects to be removed by PyStack3D. b) Corrected stack. c) Ground truth.

Illustration of a FIB-SEM image correction using some of the PyStack3D process steps.


pip install pystack3d

Tests and examples execution

For tests and examples execution, the full pystack3d project has to be installed via git:

    git clone https://github.com/CEA-MetroCarac/pystack3d.git
    cd [path_to_your_pystack3d_project]

Once the project has been cloned, the python environment has to be created and completed with the pytest package (for testing):

    pip install poetry
    poetry install
    pip install pytest

Then the tests and the examples can be executed as follows:

    cd examples
    python ex_synthetic_stack.py
    python ex_real_stack.py


Refer to the PyStack3D documentation.

Contributing / Reporting an issue

Contributions and issue reporting are more than welcome! Please read through our Developers notes.


This work, carried out on the CEA - Platform for Nanocharacterisation (PFNC), was supported by the “Recherche Technologique de Base” program of the French National Research Agency (ANR).


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