Urban dynamics performance assessment with data-driven modelling templates
Install the app in Root
To install the app, it is recommended to create a virtual environment, as shown below:
> virtualenv venv --python=python3.10
> source venv/bin/activate
Or, using conda
's wrapper for virtualenv:
> conda create -n venv python=3.10
> conda activate venv
To install the package, in order to run the app, one must run:
> python setup.py install
> pip install .
> pip install .[pymeanshift]
To contribute to the app, it is recommended to first install it in develop mode, using
> python setup.py develop
> pip install -e .
> pip install -e .[pymeanshift]
To comply with the app's code style and linting configuration, it is extremely recommended to also install the development requirements:
> pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To run the urban modeller app's streamlit server locally, after installation, use:
streamlit run main.py
To use a Docker container, you first need to build it using:
docker build . -t city_modeller
And then run it using:
docker run -p 8501:8501 -v $PWD:/app city_modeller
In this way, you can run the whole app without installing the Python dependencies.
To avoid building the image manually and exposing the port, simply run
docker-compose up streamlit
In order to run the urban valuator dashboard, the local environment must have the R-base 4.3.1
release installed.
Also, the following packages.
If the app is running from docker container, the installation is already configured in the Dockerfile