The datasets in the repository were compiled by members of the CEID COVID-19 working group. The data at the top level of the repository have been formated to be used 'as-is' and are updated often. Data sets were either created from html scraping or manually entered. In the case of the automated web scraping, the raw data and scripts are organized into sub-directories. The description of each data file along with the corresponding sub-directories are listed below. The metadata is in the readme of the same directory as the data.
China_casedata China_TA: Travel advisories or restrictions within China. Hubei_Evacuation_Repatriation: Reports of evacuations from Hubei province.
US_wikipedia_cases_fatalities/UScases_by_state_wikipedia.csv: Number of new cases in a state by day. US_wikipedia_cases_fatalities/USfatalities_by_state_wikipedia.csv: Number of new case fatalities in a state by day.
us-state-intervention-data/stateInterventionTimeSeries.csv: Reshaped version of longFormStateInterventions.csv that includes the intervention status of all US states on each date since the beginning of the outbreak. Updated daily. us-state-intervention-data/longFormStateInterventions.csv: Running summary of interventions at the state level taken from reports and wikipedia
COVID-19-ILI-forecasting/us_cases_data_weekly.csv: weekly counts of newly reported cases in each MMWR week by state and territory (and NYC) in the United States
us_nursing_homes_HIFLD.csv: locations and some metadata (number of residents, beds, etc.) for nursing homes in all 50 states
us-airports.csv: list and location of airports in the US
us-early-linelist/US_early_linelist.xlsx: Individual infection histories of US COVID19 cases from early in the outbreak that were manually collected from media reports.
ga-county-intervention-data/countyInterventionTimeSeries.csv: Reshaped version of longFormStateInterventions.csv that includes the intervention status of all US states on each date since the beginning of the outbreak. Updated daily. ga-county-intervention-data/longFormCountyInterventions.csv: Running summary of interventions at the state level taken from reports and wikipedia
ga_DGPH_daily_status_report: daily cases, fatatliies, and tests in the state of Gerogia. Also includes demography about cases. GA-DPH-CanvasJS-data-cases-deaths.csv
is an alternate scrape of this data.
georgia_icu_beds.csv: number of icu beds by county for Georgia
global_cases_by_country/worldCases.csv: Number of new cases in a country by day. global_cases_by_country/worldFatalities.csv: Number of new fatalities in a country by day.
International_TA: Travel advisories announced by county. Global Health Security Index (GHSI): Index of epidemic preparednessa and underlying data Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 and other zoonotics) Canada COVID-19 Case Data: Includes cases, fatalities, recovered, and tested for Canada global_exposure_locations.csv: information on where cases were exposed to the virus global_first_case.csv: First case for every ADM1 globally Global Google Mobility Report: Daily mobility data by country for the globe beginning in Feb 2020. Disaggregated by types of places visitied.
Please follow the data protocols outlines here. Use the template below to add metadata about your dataset to its subdirectory, and add the name of the dataset to this master README.
Here is some discription of how the data is collected, when it is normally updated, etc.
Source: Link to data source if pulled from single website (ie. Wikipedia, etc.)
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Contact John Drake ( for questions.