Unified Unity Universe is a Unity and python package built in ml-agents to allow for rapid prototyping of RL environments within Unity. The main advantage of U3 over vanilla ml-agents is the support for features such as procedural generation, probing environment complexity and balancing multiple simulators during training.
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About this project


More details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iQD3saJDTD4fPgFONWtWWoQOIJ4glgURXhtg5951-VQ/edit


Implementation Details

The project is split into Unity and Python sides. Unity deals with the code to set up RL environments within the Unity game engine itself. Python deals with wrappers for interfacing with the environment during training. This entails a PettingZoo wrapper and extra API calls that enable U3 specific functionality (such as probing environment complexity).