This discord bot is an ongoing development bot with features such as a karma system (leaderboard), pub/sub, and cat/dog pictures. Each of these sub systems called "commands" can be turned on or off to fit the needs (and pickiness) of the discord server. This bot was developed for Good Job! Gaming (
Seth bot requires node.js.
Download a release and run npm install
to download the required packages / dependencies.
It is recommended you use a linux service manager such as pm2 or a default service manager to run Sethbot.
You will need to create a "config.json" file in the root directory with the following information:
"developerMode" : "false",
"token" : "__DISCORD_BOT_API__",
"devToken": "__DISCORD_BOT_API__",
"prefix": "!",
"catApi": "__CAT_API__",
"upEmoji": "__CUSTOM_EMOJI_ID_NUMBER__",
"downEmoji": "__CUSTOM_EMOJI_ID_NUMBER__",
"twitch" : {
"twitch_client_id" : "__TWITCH_CLIENT_ID__",
"twitch_client_secret" : "__TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET__",
"twitch_callback_host" : "__CALLBACK_HOST__",
"twitch_callback_path" : "__CALLBACK_PATH",
"twitch_callback_port" : 3001,
"permission_groups" : ["__ADMIN_PERMISSION_ID__"]
The keys/api auths can be recieved at the following websites:
All commands are mapped in commands/index.json The Key should correlate to which command you want the user to say. (preceding the prefix in config.json) and the value should be the associated command.
Dosh is added and removed in 2 ways. First via the usage of reactions, one will raise a users dosh and the other will lower it. !dosh @user -> will tell the users total dosh. !dosh @user... ++ -> 1...n users will recieve 1 dosh. !dosh @user... -- -> 1...n users will lose 1 dosh. !leaderboard -> tells the top users with the most dosh
Eyebleach grabs a random cat or dog picture and posts it in the channel. Easy as that.
Seth is equipped to register users and subscribe to their streams. He will then tell the users in the channel when his subscribed accounts go live. Admin Commands: !twitch/!live add [twitchusername] -> subscribe to a user's stream !twitch/!live remove [twitchusername] -> stop subscribing to a user's stream !twitch/!live listen -> broadcast to this channel when any user is live. !twitch/!live unlisten -> stop broadcasting in this channel when a user is live
User Commands: !twitch/!live list -> tells all users Seth with notify about.
NOTE: Only users who have a role specified in the config.json->twitch->permission_groups will be able to run those commands.
Seth will use a roll module to simulate many different dice combinations helpful for Role Playing games / any RNG needs on your server.
!dice [count]d[type][advantage]+/-[modifiers]
count = the number of dice you wish to roll
type = the type of dice, ex. d20 d12 d6 d4
advantage = A for advatange and D for disadvantage
modifiers = can have '+' '-' '/' '*' and an amount
You may roll more than one dice per line using the '&' character to separate.
!dice d20&2d6
Please note that using advantage with your type will ignore the count and roll only two dice.
Sethbot can handle polling. There comes a time on everyone's server where you need to ask pressing questions and get pressing responses, Sethbot has you covered.
!poll "Question" "Answer1" "Answer2" "AnswerN" [arguments]
Optional arguments include:
hidden -> Doesn't show who voted for what answer
multiple -> Allows users to vote for multiple answers
pin -> pins the message to the channel
time=X -> Sets the timer for the poll were X is the amount of time in mins (default 2 hours)
Note: Polls require the bot has permissions to "manage messages" on a server basis as this feature requires updating and removing emojis.
Delete all the files under the root. There are no system entanglements.