CGCL-codes / MQTTactic

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The MQTTactic is our tool for evaluating the security of the MQTT Broker with static analyses. More details and instructions will be uploaded/updated later.

0x01 LLVM IR generation

We provide the detailed technical guidance and examples for LLVM IR generation online (, which include environment configuration, all necessary commands to run the tool. The LLVM IR is the input of MQTTactic.

0x02 Getting started

1. Install

$ sudo apt install gcc-10 g++-10 python3 python3-distutils zlib1g-dev unzip cmake  nodejs ninja-build
  1. RELEASE version
$ wget
$ tar xvf clang+llvm-14.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
$ export LLVM_DIR=/root/Document/clang+llvm-14.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04
  1. DEBUG version
$ wget
$ tar xvf llvm-project-14.0.0.src.tar.xz && cd llvm-project-14.0.0.src/
$ cmake -S llvm -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lld;llvm;libcxx;libcxxabi"
$ cd build && ninja
git clone
cd SVF && git checkout 925fb44a
export LLVM_DIR=/root/Document/clang+llvm-14.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04
source ./
export MQTT_DIR=/root/Document/mqttactic/MQTTactic
export SVF_DIR=/root/Document/SVF
export SVF_BIN=$SVF_DIR/Release-build
export Z3_DIR=/root/node_modules/z3.obj
export LLVM_DIR=/root/Document/clang+llvm-14.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04

export PATH=$PATH:$LLVM_DIR/bin:$Z3_DIR/bin:$SVF_BIN/bin
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$LLVM_DIR/include:$SVF_DIR/include:$SVF_BIN/include:$Z3_DIR/include:$MQTT_DIR/Include
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$LLVM_DIR/include:$SVF_DIR/include:$Z3_DIR/include:$Z3_DIR/include:$MQTT_DIR/Include
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
$ rustup default nightly-2022-08-02

$ git clone

$ apt-get install flex bison

$ cd Spin && make -j4

$ cd Src

$ ln -s ​\$(pwd)/spin /usr/bin/spin

# Boolector
# Download and build Boolector
$ git clone
$ cd boolector

# Download and build Lingeling
$ ./contrib/

# Download and build BTOR2Tools
$ ./contrib/

# Build Boolector
$ ./ --shared && cd build && make && make install

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{build/lib/}

2. Usage

0x03 Challenges in different languages

Here lie numerous challenges in employing static analysis to extract comprehensive control flow from LLVM IR. We will continuously update this space with the technical details of how we tackle them.



0x04 Broker running configuration

See {MQTTactic}/Broker Running Configurations.

0x04 A running example

We use pre-defined (with one-time efforts) code templates of each operation $o$ to generate the Promela code for each Path Type $ept$. Specifically, each code template describes the operation (read, write or deliver) performed on a particular state variable $v$. For example, $o{will-read}$ indicates to read the will message from the client's session. Hence, the code template of $o{will-read}$ is defined as shown in Listing 1. Notably, there are placeholders in the code templates (e.g., "{clientID}" in Listing 1), which will be populated with the actual values when MQTTactic constructs the concrete model.

Listing 1: $o_{deliver}$ code template

msg = Sessions[{clientId}].willmessage

Taking the hmq broker as an example, we will illustrate how to translate one of the Effective Path Types (extracted by SCA module) for DISCONNECT action into Promela code.

The $ept$ example of disconnect action

As shown below (Listing 2, 3, 4), the $ept$ contains 3 operations: $o{will-read}$, $o{sub-read}$ and $o_{deliver}$.

Listing 2: $o_{will-read}$ at hmq_sourcecode/broker/client.go:850

if != nil {
    //read will msg variable

Listing 3: $o_{sub-read}$ at hmq_sourcecode/broker/lib/topics/memtopics.go:82

// read subscription variable
return this.sroot.smatch(topic, qos, subs, qoss)

Listing 4: $o_{deliver}$ at hmq_sourcecode/broker/broker.go:669

for _, sub := range subs {
  s, ok := sub.(*subscription)
  if ok {
    // deliver the msg
    if err := s.client.WriterPacket(packet); err != nil {
      log.Error("write message error", zap.Error(err))

Generating Promela codes for $ept$

With the identified $ept$(s) for the actions, we now generate the Promela codes. Firstly, We show the pre-defined Promela code templates of these three operations as follows (Listing 1 for $o{will-read}$, Listing 5 for $o{deliver}$, Listing 6 for $o_{sub-read}$).

Listing 5: $o_{deliver}$ code template

Deliver({msg}, {sess});

Listing 6: $o_{sub-read}$ code template

bool hasSubscription = false;
j = 0;
// Traverse the subscription tree of {sess} and check if it is subscribed to the topic of message
      :: (Sessions[{sess}].subscriptions[j].topic == {msg}.topic) ->
        hasSubscription = true;
      :: else -> skip;
    j = j + 1;
  :: else ->
    goto nextClients;


Listing 7: The model's skeleton code

proctype ProcessSubscriber(short index){
        // placeholders
        // placeholders
    :: else -> break;

init {
  run ProcessPublisher(0);   //Publisher client 1
  run ProcessSubscriber(1);  //Subscriber client 1
  run ProcessPublisher(2);   //Publisher client 2

Then, MQTTactic will assemble these code templates with the operation sequence of this $ept$ to generate a handler function in Promela code for the DISCONNECT action. The same process will be carried out for other actions and $ept$s. The placeholders in skeleton code (Listing 7) would then be populated with the above generated Promela functions to construct the concrete model in Promela.

Listing 8: Generated DISCONNECT function in Promela

inline DISCONNECT(index){
      :: Sessions[Clients[index].clientId].willmessage.topic != -1 ->
        msg = Sessions[Clients[index].clientId].willmessage;
        short i_1 = 0;
          :: i_1 < MAXSESSIONS ->
            bool hasSubscription = false;
            j = 0;


              :: j < MAXSUBSCRIPTIONS ->
                  :: (Sessions[i_1].subscriptions[j].topic == msg.topic) ->
                    hasSubscription = true;
                  :: else -> skip;
                j = j + 1;
              :: else ->
                goto nextClients;
              :: (hasSubscription == true && Sessions[i_1].connected == true) ->
                Deliver(msg, i_1);
              :: else -> skip;


      :: else -> skip;

0x05 Proof of Concept (POC)

POC exploit on Flaw 1

Flaw 1

$S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $A_1$ -> $A_2$ -> $S_4$ -> $C_2$ -> $S_5$

To exploit the Flaw 1, we deployed the Mosquitto broker in our testing server, used the popular MQTT client MQTTX to simulate the victim smart door, and wrote another malicious MQTT client to act as the malicious user, which was programmed to stall after receiving the PUBREC packet from the broker (i.e., stall at the step $S_3$) and to continue the message processing under manual instruction. To strike the POC attack, we first authorized the malicious client with the right to PUBLISH message to the topic that the MQTTX client (the smart door) subscribes to. Then, we started the attack by sending an “unlock door” command within a QoS 2 message to the broker. After the steps of $S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $A_1$, the malicious client stalls. We, then, reconfigured the Mosquitto broker to remove the malicious client's access right (step $A_2$), simulating the real-world scenario where an Airbnb guest checks out and loses access to the smart door. Next, we instructed the malicious client to send the PUBREL packet (step $S_4$), which triggers the following steps of $C_2$ -> $S_5$ -> $S_6$, and found that the smart door was unlocked successfully after receiving the command in the QoS 2 message M.

POC exploit on Flaw 2

Flaw 1

$A_1$ -> $S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $S_4$ -> $A_2$ -> $A_3$ -> $S_5$ -> $S_6$

We confirmed Flaw 2 is exploitable in a smart home system and has a real-world impact. We used Mosquitto and two MQTTX clients to simulate the vulnerable MQTT broker, a malicious Airbnb guest, and the victim smart backdoor, respectively. At first, we authorized the malicious guest to control the smart backdoor, simulat- ing that the guest possesses access right to the backdoor during his stay. Then, we cut off the connection between the smart backdoor and the broker ($A_1$), simulating that the guest turns off the WiFi networ, which enforces the smart backdoor to go offline. Then, we let the malicious guest PUBLISH a QoS 1 message ($S_1$) containing an “unlocking” command to the smart backdoor, which caused the system to stall after executing the actions of $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $S_4$. We then reconfigured the Mosquitto to remove the guest's access right, simulating that the guest checks out and loses control of the smart backdoor ($A_2$). Later, we recovered the connection between the smart backdoor and the broker, simulating that a victim guest checks in (e.g., from the front door) and turns on the WiFi network ($A_3$). At last, we found that the smart backdoor received the “unlocking” command from the earlier QoS 1 message after it reconnects to Mosquitto ($S_5$ -> $S_6$), indicating the malicious guest was able to leverage Flaw 2 to unlock a smart door that he was not entitled to control.

POC exploit on Flaw 3

Flaw 1

$A_1$ -> $S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $S_4$ -> $A_2$ -> $A_3$ -> $S_5$ -> $S_6$ -> $S_7$ -> $S_8$

Due to the “exactly once delivery” feature in QoS 2 messaging, if the target client is offline, the broker would retry to deliver the message M to the client when the client reconnects (i.e., $S_5$ -> $S_7$ -> $S_8$). However, we found the delivery retry mechanism in QoS 2 has the same problem of that in the QoS 1 messaging as elaborated in the Flaw 2. The exploiting and mitigation to the Flaw 3 are also similar to that of the Flaw 2.

POC exploit on Flaw 4

Flaw 1

$S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $A_1$ -> $S_4$ -> $S_5$

We also confirmed Flaw 4 in a sim- ulated smart home system containing the vulnerable broker (VolantMQ) and two MQTTX clients (the malicious user and the victim IoT device). First, we used the auth http plugin (used by VolantMQ for authentication and authorization) to authorize the malicious user to control the victim IoT device. Then, we used the malicious MQTTX client to send a PUBLISH packet with both topic name and topic alias, resulting in the VolantMQ broker recording a mapping from the topic name to topic alias ($S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$). After that, we revoked the permission from the malicious user ($A_1$), and found that the IoT device could still receive the later mes- sage sent by the unauthorized malicious user only with the topic alias ($S_4$ -> $S_5$).

POC exploit on Flaw 5

Flaw 1

$S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $A_1$ -> $S_4$ -> $C_2$ -> $S_5$

As shown in the Figure, we used the Mosquitto as the flawed broker and three MQTTX clients as the victim user, the victim device and the malicious user. First, we let the victim user client, the Mosquitto broker and the victim device client to communicate following the steps of $S_1$ -> $C_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$. Then, we used the malicious user client to send a new CONNECT packet using the victim user's clientID ($S_4$). Since the following step $C_2$ checks the permission of the owner of the Will message (the victim user), not the trigger (the malicious user), the Mosquitto broker allowed the delivery of the Will message ($S_4$).

POC exploit on Flaw 6

Flaw 1

$S_1$ -> $S_2$ -> $S_3$ -> $A_1$ -> $S_4$

We used hmq as the vulnerable broker and two MQTTX clients to simulate the attacker and the victim device. We let the victim client subscribes to the topic “smartdoor”. Then, we used the attacker client to send to the broker a CONNECT packet containing a Will message that carries a command payload of “unlocking” and a topic of “smartdoor”. Note that, we did not authorize the attacker client the access right to the topic “smartdoor”. After we cut off the network of the attacker client ($A_1$), the victim client received the “unlocking” command successfully.

POC exploit on Flaw 7

Flaw 1

We confirmed Flaw 7 on Mosquitto (capacity of InflightQueue n = 20 by default) following the steps shown in the Figure — a malicious user, who was authorized to control two IoT devices (associated with topic A and B, respectively) at first, was able to control the device B after his permission to control device B was revoked.

Existing Flaws

Y. Jia, L. Xing, Y. Mao, D. Zhao, X. Wang, S. Zhao, and Y. Zhang,"Burglars' IoT Paradise: Understanding and Mitigating Security Risks of General Messaging Protocols on IoT Clouds,” in Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2020, pp. 465–481.

Jia et al. identified several flaws in different commercial MQTT brokers through manual analyses, Among all the security flaws identified in [1], four of them are authorization-related flaws (our goal), which were also identified by MQTTactic, i.e., Flaw 8: Unauthorized subscription via ClientID hijacking; Flaw 9: Unauthorized trigger of the Retained message; Flaw 10: Un-updated subscription; Flaw 11: Unauthorized trigger of the Will message.