CID15 / veneer

Veneer provides a set of enhancements to the Adobe Experience Manager WCM foundation APIs and additional Sling Models Injectors to facilitate rapid development of AEM components and services.
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CID 15


Veneer is a set of bundles designed to streamline and simplify development of Adobe Experience Manager projects.

Bundle Description
API The Veneer API includes extensions for the Sling Resource and AEM Page/PageManager interfaces, as well as a Link interface encapsulating the typical attributes of a link object.
Core The Core bundle implements the Veneer API in addition to providing a set of abstract servlets for returning JSON responses and supplying Touch UI data sources.
Injectors Sling Model Injectors for a variety of common use cases - e.g. component context objects, enums, tags, images, references.


Veneer Version(s) AEM Version(s)
0.x.0 6.5, AEM Cloud


User Guide


Sling Resource and ResourceResolver instances are adaptable to Veneer types as outlined below.


Adapter Details
VeneeredPage Only applies when the Resource path is a valid page path, returns null otherwise.
VeneeredResource Applies to all Resource instances.


Adapter Details
VeneeredPageManager Applies to all ResourceResolver instances.



The introduction of the HTL templating language has eliminated the need for custom JSP tags, scriptlets, and other unpleasantries when separating a component's view from it's supporting business logic. The Sling Models framework offers a robust, POJO-based development pattern that Veneer augments to greatly simplify AEM component development.

Abstract Component Class

Model classes may extend the org.cid15.aem.veneer.core.components.AbstractComponent class to expose numerous convenience methods for retrieving/transforming property values, traversing the content repository, and generally reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed to perform common node- and property-based operations for a component.

The Java/Groovy model class for the component should expose getters for the values that required to render the component's view.

import org.cid15.aem.veneer.core.components.AbstractComponent

@Model(adaptables = [Resource, SlingHttpServletRequest])
class Navigation extends AbstractComponent {

    VeneeredPage currentPage

    String getTitle() {
        get("jcr:title", "")

    List<VeneeredPage> getPages() {

Injectable Veneered Resource

Alternatively, model classes may inject an instance of the org.cid15.aem.veneer.api.resource.VeneeredResource class to provide the same functionality as the abstract class described above.

import org.cid15.aem.veneer.api.resource.VeneeredResource

@Model(adaptables = [Resource, SlingHttpServletRequest])
class Navigation {

    VeneeredResource veneeredResource

    String getTitle() {
        veneeredResource.get("jcr:title", "")

See the VeneeredResource Javadoc for details of the available methods.

Sling Models Injectors

In addition to Veneer's component API, Veneer also supplies a set of custom Sling Models injectors to support injection of common Sling and AEM objects for the current component. See the Injectors page for additional information.

HTL Integration

Sling Models-based components (i.e. POJOs with the annotation) can be instantiated in HTL templates with a data-sly-use block statement. Since Veneer components are just "decorated" Sling Models, nothing additional is required.

The HTL template for the preceding Navigation component would be implemented as follows:

<sly data-sly-use.navigation="com.projectname.components.content.Navigation">

        <li><a href="${page.href}">${page.title}</a></li>

Component Development Guidelines


See the Javadoc for constant value details.

Including in AEM Projects

The including project's Core and UI module POM files should include the Veneer API, Core, and Injectors modules as provided dependencies.


Optionally, the Veneer parent POM can be defined as the project's parent to inherit dependency and plugin management.


Finally, add the Veneer bundle dependencies as embedded artifacts in the package plugin configuration in the project's UI module.



The Link object encapsulates the properties of an HTML link, including the decomposition of the URL "parts" according to Sling (i.e. path, selectors, extension). A Link or collection of Links can be returned from a component bean to represent a navigation structure, for example. The LinkBuilder class provides numerous methods to build immutable Link instances. The builder itself is acquired through one of several static factory methods that accept a Page, Resource, or JCR path value.


Abstract JSON Response Servlet


Servlets should extend this class when writing a JSON response. Objects passed to any of the writeJsonResponse methods will be serialized to the response writer using the Jackson data binding library.

Abstract Options Provider Servlet


Base class for providing a list of "options" to a component dialog widget. An option is simply a text/value pair to be rendered in a selection box. The implementing class determines how these options are retrieved from the repository (or external provider, such as a web service).

Abstract Options Data Source Servlet


Base class for supplying a data source to component dialogs using the Touch UI. Implementing classes will provide a list of options that will be made available as text/value pairs to selection dialog elements. Servlets must be annotated with the @SlingServletResourceTypes(resourceTypes = "projectname/datasources/colors") annotation. The resource type attribute is an arbitrary relative path that can be referenced by dialog elements using the data source. The implementing class determines how these options are retrieved from the repository (or external provider, such as a web service).

Abstract Tag Data Source Servlet


Extends the AbstractOptionsDataSourceServlet and solely focuses on building options from tags within the repository. A basic extension is to provide just the namespace of the tags and the servlet will build a list of options from all direct descendants of that namespace tag. Extending classes may optionally provide a more granular tag path and a custom filter.

Sling Models Injectors

Veneer provides several custom Sling Models injectors to facilitate injection of Veneer-specific context objects. Injector services are registered by default when the Veneer Injectors bundle is installed, so @Inject annotated fields in model classes will be handled by the injectors below in addition to the default set of injectors provided by Sling.

Available Injectors

Title Name Service Ranking Description
Resource Resolver Adaptable Injector adaptable Integer.MIN_VALUE Injects objects that can be adapted from ResourceResolver, e.g. PageManagerDecorator
Component Injector component Integer.MAX_VALUE Injects objects derived from the current component context
Enum Injector enum 4000 Injects an enum for the property value matching the annotated field name
Image Injector images 4000 Injects from the current resource
Inherit Injector inherit 4000 Injects a property that inherits from ancestor pages if it isn't found on the current resource
Link Injector links 4000 Injects derived from the property value for the current field name
Model List Injector model-list 999 Injects a list of models from adapted from the child of a named child resource
Reference Injector references 4000 Injects a resource or object adapted from a resource based on the value of a property
Tag Injector tags 800 Resolves a object (or list of tags) for the given property
ValueMap Injector valuemap 2500 Injects a property value with the given type from a ValueMap

Injector-specific Annotations

Annotation Supported Optional Elements Injector
@ImageInject injectionStrategy, isSelf, inherit, selectors images
@InheritInject injectionStrategy inherit
@LinkInject injectionStrategy, titleProperty, inherit links
@ReferenceInject injectionStrategy, inherit references
@TagInject injectionStrategy, inherit tags


Follows Semantic Versioning guidelines.