CINF / PyExpLabSys

Python for Experimental Lab Systems: Serial drivers, file parsers, data and live sockets
GNU General Public License v3.0
74 stars 33 forks source link


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Python for Experimental Labs System

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

About PyExpLabSys

This project contains various python code useful in experimental labs, such as equipment drivers, data logging and network data exchange components.

The project is hosted on Github <>_ and documented <> with Sphinx <> on the read the docs webpage <>__, with varying documentation levels.

PyExpLabSys is an attempt to share the Python code produced at the SurfCat and Nanomade sections at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). As such, the development is driven by the needs of the department, which means that different components have different levels of maturity.

Some functionalities of PyExpLabSys are bound to the assumption of the existence of a machines folder in the home directory (next to PyExpLabSys. This contains deployment-specific use cases (example of machines <>_ folder).


Support is provided by the authors in their spare time, so we cannot always reply immediately, but we will try to help when we can.

Support is provided via the #PyExpLabSys IRC channel on freenode <>_ (WebChat here <>_) and issues <> on the projects projects Github page <>_.

Data logging

The project includes example code showing how to make a continuously running data-logger. The program will set up a number of threaded classes that will collect data in the background and log it to a MySQL database if the values changes more than a given amount or with regular time intervals.


The projects includes two different example of gui-development usefull in an experimental lab. One example show how to make running plot of a measured value. The other example show a functional gui for the Agilent 34410A driver.


The project includes drivers for a number of instruments. Most of the drivers are developed around a catalysis related university laboratory and therefore pertain mostly to ultra high vacuum (UHV), electrochemical and photoelectrochemical research.

Detailed driver descriptions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

A few of the drivers have more detailed descriptions in the list below and for the rest, follows a list autogenerated from the module docstring.

Auto-generated driver descriptions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

.. auto generate start

.. auto generate end