CIROH-UA / NGIAB_data_preprocess

Tools to subset hydrofabrics, generate forcings, create default realizations for NGIAB
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NGIAB Data Preprocess

This repository contains tools for preparing data to run a next gen simulation using NGIAB. The tools allow you to select a catchment of interest on an interactive map, choose a date range, and prepare the data with just a few clicks!

map screenshot

Table of Contents

  1. What does this tool do?
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation and Running
  4. Development Installation
  5. Usage
  6. CLI Documentation

What does this tool do?

This tool prepares data to run a next gen simulation by creating a run package that can be used with NGIAB. It picks default data sources, the v20.1 hydrofabric and nwm retrospective v3 forcing data.


Installation and Running

# optional but encouraged: create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
# installing and running the tool
pip install ngiab_data_preprocess
python -m map_app

The first time you run this command, it will download the hydrofabric and model parameter files from Lynker Spatial. If you already have them, place conus.gpkg and model_attributes.parquet into modules/data_sources/.

Development Installation

Click to expand installation steps To install and run the tool, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone cd NGIAB_data_preprocess ``` 2. Create a virtual environment and activate it: ```bash python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate ``` 3. Install the tool: ```bash pip install -e . ``` 4. Run the map app: ```bash python -m map_app ```


Running the command python -m map_app will open the app in a new browser tab. Alternatively, you can manually open it by going to http://localhost:5000 with the app running.

To use the tool:

  1. Select the catchment you're interested in on the map.
  2. Pick the time period you want to simulate.
  3. Click the following buttons in order: 1) Create subset gpkg 2) Create Forcing from Zarrs 3) Create Realization

Once all the steps are finished, you can run NGIAB on the folder shown underneath the subset button.

Note: When using the tool, the output will be stored in the ./output/<your-first-catchment>/ folder. There is no overwrite protection on the folders.

CLI Documentation

Click to expand CLI documentation ## Arguments - `-h`, `--help`: Show the help message and exit. - `-i INPUT_FILE`, `--input_file INPUT_FILE`: Path to a CSV or TXT file containing a list of waterbody IDs, lat/lon pairs, or gage IDs; or a single waterbody ID (e.g., `wb-5173`), a single lat/lon pair, or a single gage ID. - `-l`, `--latlon`: Use latitude and longitude instead of waterbody IDs. When used with `-i`, the file should contain lat/lon pairs. - `-g`, `--gage`: Use gage IDs instead of waterbody IDs. When used with `-i`, the file should contain gage IDs. - `-s`, `--subset`: Subset the hydrofabric to the given waterbody IDs, locations, or gage IDs. - `-f`, `--forcings`: Generate forcings for the given waterbody IDs, locations, or gage IDs. - `-r`, `--realization`: Create a realization for the given waterbody IDs, locations, or gage IDs. - `--start_date START_DATE`: Start date for forcings/realization (format YYYY-MM-DD). - `--end_date END_DATE`: End date for forcings/realization (format YYYY-MM-DD). - `-o OUTPUT_NAME`, `--output_name OUTPUT_NAME`: Name of the subset to be created (default is the first waterbody ID in the input file). ## Examples `-l`, `-g`, `-s`, `-f`, `-r` can be combined like normal CLI flags. For example, to subset, generate forcings, and create a realization, you can use `-sfr` or `-s -f -r`. 1. Subset hydrofabric using waterbody IDs: ``` python -m ngiab_data_cli -i waterbody_ids.txt -s ``` 2. Generate forcings using a single waterbody ID: ``` python -m ngiab_data_cli -i wb-5173 -f --start_date 2023-01-01 --end_date 2023-12-31 ``` 3. Create realization using lat/lon pairs from a CSV file: ``` python -m ngiab_data_cli -i locations.csv -l -r --start_date 2023-01-01 --end_date 2023-12-31 -o custom_output ``` 4. Perform all operations using a single lat/lon pair: ``` python -m ngiab_data_cli -i 54.33,-69.4 -l -s -f -r --start_date 2023-01-01 --end_date 2023-12-31 ``` 5. Subset hydrofabric using gage IDs from a CSV file: ``` python -m ngiab_data_cli -i gage_ids.csv -g -s ``` 6. Generate forcings using a single gage ID: ``` python -m ngiab_data_cli -i 01646500 -g -f --start_date 2023-01-01 --end_date 2023-12-31 ``` ## File Formats ### 1. Waterbody ID input: - CSV file: A single column of waterbody IDs, or a column named 'wb_id', 'waterbody_id', or 'divide_id'. - TXT file: One waterbody ID per line. Example CSV (waterbody_ids.csv): ``` wb_id,soil_type wb-5173,some wb-5174,data wb-5175,here ``` Or: ``` wb-5173 wb-5174 wb-5175 ``` ### 2. Lat/Lon input: - CSV file: Two columns named 'lat' and 'lon', or two unnamed columns in that order. - Single pair: Comma-separated values passed directly to the `-i` argument. Example CSV (locations.csv): ``` lat,lon 54.33,-69.4 55.12,-68.9 53.98,-70.1 ``` Or: ``` 54.33,-69.4 55.12,-68.9 53.98,-70.1 ``` ### 3. Gage ID input: - CSV file: A single column of gage IDs, or a column named 'gage' or 'gage_id'. - TXT file: One gage ID per line. - Single gage ID: Passed directly to the `-i` argument. Example CSV (gage_ids.csv): ``` gage_id,station_name 01646500,Potomac River 01638500,Shenandoah River 01578310,Susquehanna River ``` Or: ``` 01646500 01638500 01578310 ``` ## Output The script creates an output folder named after the first waterbody ID in the input file, the provided output name, or derived from the first lat/lon pair or gage ID. This folder will contain the results of the subsetting, forcings generation, and realization creation operations.