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Ex. 10 trajectory #8

Open Memphis99 opened 2 years ago

Memphis99 commented 2 years ago

Hello, in ex. 10 my spaceships keeps orbiting around the sun in a shape that is very little elliptical, and not exactly circular as the purple line. It stays stable like that also after some minutes of simulation, and regularizing and tuning it gets it better but still not perfect. Is it ok, or does it have to follow exactly the purple line? Thank you.

MiguelZamoraM commented 2 years ago

It should follow the purple line very closely so that the trajectory is visually circular.

Memphis99 commented 2 years ago

The square always touch the purple trajectory, but its not always centered on it (sometimes for example it touches it with its corner). Could it be ok?

MiguelZamoraM commented 2 years ago

It sounds like you just need to tweak a bit more your weights or add an additional objective to encourage the state trajectory of the spaceship to stay on a circular orbit after the thrusters are off.