CMPUT-492-W2023-Capstone / CSTC

MIT License
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Community Science Traffic Counter


Develop a traffic counter to collect and store real time traffic volume and composition data. The counter must be easily deployed and maintained at community scientist locations (e.g. residences, community halls, schools).


The Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future (TF), an Edmonton environmental charity, has a focus on creating projects that are grounded in the collection of data using community science. Currently they have a project to install air quality monitors at community locations, in conjunction with the Alberta Capital Airshed (ACA). The TF would like to add further context to the air quality data being collected by gathering traffic data at the same location.

Most Suitable Background for the Project

Engineering Physics 2
Electrical Engineering 2
Computer Engineering 1
Computer Engineering – Software 3


Functional and Performance Requirements / Objectives

  1. Real time identification and counting of different types of traffic (cars, trucks, motorbikes) - data
  2. Collects data and stores it in the cloud for at least one year
  3. Can be installed (connect to power and WiFi) in a typical residence with little to no maintenance (ease of operation and maintenance is a factor, including e.g. what happens if the community member changes their WiFi password)
  4. Additional consideration of data visualization

Specifications / Constraints

Information Resources / Links

Codebase and Libraries

Equipments Used in Original Prototype

Prototyping/Testing Resources

Intellectual Property Restrictions