CMPUT301F22T09 / shell379

An Android application which helps users track their food storage, record recipes, and plan meals for upcoming days.
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IMPORTANT: If you have run the app with a previous release, you will need to clear your local storage/ app data or the app will crash. A tutorial can be accessed here: If you have never installed the app before the part 4 (final checkpoint) release, please disregard this message.


Team Name: shell379

Team Members (and ccids):

Running Instructions:

  1. Install the APK
  2. Use as desired!


  1. This app assumes that a stable internet connection is available to the user
  2. This app is built to run on Android Oreo and above


  1. Due to the usage of LiveData objects, testing was done heavily through the use of UI testing. This is primarily due to the fact that LiveData objects requires threading, which is not available in regular JUnit tests
  2. UML and CRC Cards are under the wiki
  3. Intent tests will retain the state of your app from before the test was run. Feel free to run tests without worrying about the state of your app being affected.

Known issues:

  1. If you have run the app with a previous release, you may need to clear your local storage/ app data or the app may not function properly. A tutorial can be accessed here:

Acknowledgements and References:

  1. CMPUT301 Lecture Lab Code was used in the development of this project
  2. Group members used their own prior CMPUT301 Assignment/Lab code in the development of this project
  3. Additional citations have been provided at several points throughout the codebase