CMPUT301F24breeze1 / LavenderBreeze

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LavenderBreeze Git Workflow

Cloning the Repository

If you don't have anything on your computer, clone the repository:

git clone

Adding Features

If you're coming back to add new features, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the Latest Changes

    • Pull the changes from the main branch (this will get everything that got changed):
      git pull origin main
  2. Create Your Own Branch

    • Create a new branch to work on your own feature:
      git checkout -b <branch_name>
    • checkout is just switching branches.
  3. Add Files to Track

    • Add all the files to stage for commit:
      git add .
  4. Commit Your Changes

    • Commit your changes with a message:
      git commit -m "your_commit_message"
  5. Push to Your Own Branch

    • Push the changes to your branch:
      git push origin <branch_name>
  6. Create a Pull Request

    • Go to the GitHub repository.
    • Click on "Pull Request."
    • Click on compare and merge

Deleting the Branch

Once your pull request is merged, you can delete your branch:

If you are confused about something