CMPUT301W16T15 / Shareo

Group Project Android App
MIT License
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Shareo is a game trading app built for CMPUT 301. Our WOW factor is search - it supports search by field and uses fuzzy matching. We support game images and maps. Note: use an emulator with API level 23 and "Google API's" image in order to use maps. Our app is targeted at API 23.

The test directory has a combination of espresso UI tests and normal unit tests. The normal unit tests can be run all together. The UI tests are intended to be ran individually. With some more time we would have liked to streamline the execution of the tests, but our current setup suffices for the purpose of this project.


Group Project Android App

Warning: This is subject to change!

You are to design and implement a simple, attractive, and easy-to-use Android application to satisfy the following goals. Your design must be flexible enough to allow developers to extend or migrate it.

We want a mobile application that allows owners to record the things they have and share them with borrowers. For example, a thing could be a good (like a piece of camera equipment), a service (like giving a ride in a car), or a resource (like a parking spot). Generally, a thing should be something reusable and typical underused. It is up to each team to choose some specific thing of focus, with approval from the TA.

In general, a user can be both an owner of their own things and a borrower of someone else's things. A borrower can borrow a thing by making a monetary bid for it. The owner can accept a bid, so the thing becomes borrowed. The owner can denote when a borrowed thing is returned and available again.

Needs in (Partial) User Story Form

User needs are expressed in the form of partial user stories:

As a , I want .

These descriptions may change to correct omissions and clarify noticed issues. New requirements will be introduced for the final project part.


US 01.01.01 As an owner, I want to add a thing in my things, each denoted with a clear, suitable description.

US 01.02.01 As an owner, I want to view a list of all my things, and their descriptions and statuses.

US 01.03.01 As an owner, I want to view one of my things, its description and status.

US 01.04.01 As an owner, I want to edit a thing in my things.

US 01.05.01 As an owner, I want to delete a thing in my things.


US 02.01.01 As an owner or borrower, I want a thing to have a status of one of: available, bidded, or borrowed.

User profile

US 03.01.01 As a user, I want a profile with a unique username and my contact information.

US 03.02.01 As a user, I want to edit the contact information in my profile.

US 03.03.01 As a user, I want to, when a username is presented for a thing, retrieve and show its contact information.


US 04.01.01 As a borrower, I want to specify a set of keywords, and search for all things not currently borrowed whose description contains all the keywords.

US 04.02.01 As a borrower, I want search results to show each thing not currently borrowed with its description, owner username, and status.


US 05.01.01 As a borrower, I want to bid for an available thing, with a monetary rate (in dollars per hour).

US 05.02.01 As a borrower, I want to view a list of things I have bidded on that are pending, each thing with its description, owner username, and my bid.

US 05.03.01 As an owner, I want to be notified of a bid.

US 05.04.01 As an owner, I want to view a list of my things with bids.

US 05.05.01 As an owner, I want to view the bids on one of my things.

US 05.06.01 As an owner, I want to accept a bid on one of my things, setting its status to borrowed. (Any other bids are declined.)

US 05.07.01 As an owner, I want to decline a bid on one of my things.


US 06.01.01 As a borrower, I want to view a list of things I am borrowing, each thing with its description and owner username.

US 06.02.01 As an owner, I want to view a list of my things being borrowed, each thing with its description and borrower username.


US 07.01.01 As an owner, I want to set a borrowed thing to be available when it is returned.

Offline behavior

US 08.01.01 As an owner, I want to define new things while offline, and push the additions once I get connectivity.