Open deanbittner opened 7 years ago
Here's the full and rather 'unclean' list of metrics from the server, zipped.
Maybe there's just too many and it takes longer than the graphite timeout of 360 (set in apache wigs settings) seconds to retrieve? Will try a longer time.
Increased the timeout in the apache settings --
WSGIDaemonProcess _graphite processes=5 threads=5 display-name='%{GROUP}' inactivity-timeout=1200 user=_graphite group=_graphite
inactivity-timeout set to 1200 seconds and got past this error, now have another error, will file separately
Can be closed.
Script: node --max-old-space-size=4096 ./dist/cli.js entailment_search --goal-metric invidi.webapp.localhost_localdomain.request.total_response_time.mean --goal-metric-time-begin 05:00_20160917 --goal-metric-time-end 12:00_20160917 --time-begin 00:00_20160917 --time-end 23:00_20160917 --iteration-count 10000 --out /tmp/temp-result.json --dashboard-out /tmp/dashboard.json
Expected outcome: Completed entailment search
Actual: Aborted due to timeout in Graphite as below. Tried decreasing the interval and iterations without effect. Suspect a bad metric or metric name? I will look at the results of the graphite query for all names in the database and attach it to see if anything obvious jumps out.
Console output of failure follows --
GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 4 in 11 GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 5 in 11 GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 6 in 11 GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 7 in 11 GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 8 in 11 GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 9 in 11 GraphiteAdapter.renderAllMetrics: 10 in 11 /home/dean/analytic-engine/node_modules/sync-request/node_modules/http-response-object/index.js:40 throw err; ^
Error: Server responded with status code 504: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
Gateway Timeout
The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.
Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 81