CMPUT401Group / analytic-engine

Bleeding edge of analytic things and stuff
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RunWith-IT Analytic Engine

Build Status

This package is the Analytic Engine in the RunWith-IT stack.


  1. r-statistics
  2. node 4.6.2
  3. npm (should be installed automatically when node is installed).
  4. gulp (do via npm install -g gulp)
  5. For testing, npm install -g jasmine
  6. npm install -g node-gyp
  7. sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev libgssapi-krb5-2
  8. npm install -g fibers
  9. Install mongodb


  1. npm install -g gulp
  2. npm install
  3. gulp # This builds the src to the dist directory
  4. cd dist
  5. node r-adapter.js # This is a test file and for testing r-statistics with node.
  6. 'node dist/long-running-process-test.js' #this will test comparing all metrics, which takes about 2 hours depending on hardware and internet bandwidth


Tests utilize the Jasmine test framework. They should all be placed in spec/analytic-engine directory. Note that we do not test any async methods with Jasmine as the famework seems to have issues with multithreading tests

  1. npm install
  2. npm test


How To:


using the following api call, setting the date and metric parameters to return a list of deviant datapoints is possible.

There is also a ui at:

which uses this api to compare metrics and find deviant points.