CMPUT404 / socialdistribution

A distributed social network
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 2 forks source link

404 Social Distribution

Build Status


Project Specifications

API Documentation.

Short Video Demo.


Getting things up and running is a bit more complicated because we're running a separate purely restful backend and a React.js frontend.

Frontend Installation

npm install
bower install

How To Run

You're going to need "gulp" to build our frontend. So you need to run npm install -g gulp. Then running the command below should automatically build everything and open a tab in your browser with the app running. By default the app is not configured to find our remote production api so you'll need to follow the instructions below on starting the api up as well.

gulp serve

Backend Installation

pip install -r requirements
./ migrate


./ test

Libraries and Frameworks

Back End
Front End