CMUTLI / infra-debian

TLI Debian Preseeds
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Installation Procedures for TLI Debian Systems

1. Boot standard netinst

2. Select Advanced options

Screenshot showing Advanced Options selected

3. Select Automated install

Screenshot showing Automated Install selected

4. Enter Debian preconfiguration file location

Use; it will assume the default file path for the distribution.

Screenshot showing Download Debconf Preconfiguration File URI entered

5. Enter a temporary root password

The first state.apply by salt will override it, so just go wih something that can't be owned before you do the inital salt.

Screenshot showing a default root password entered

6. Confirm temporary root password

Screenshot showing a root password confirmation entered

7. Enter a temporary deploy user password

The default username of deploy is provided by the preseed file. The first state.apply by salt will also override this, so just go wih something that can't be owned before you do the inital salt.

Screenshot showing a default deploy password entered

8. Confirm temporary deploy user password

Screenshot showing a deploy password confirmation entered

9. Reboot

Assuming the preseed/late_command to install salt was successful, the salt minion will be running after the reboot and a key will be pending on the salt master. There's no actual need to login to the machine directly. See the Eberly documentation for saltstack to go from here.

Note: For inspection, the salt bootstrap script will be available under /home/deploy. To debug the salt installation or review the salt installation output, it's redirected to a .out file colocated with the bootstrap script.