CodePath iOS Bootcamp Pre-Work Tip Calculator Application
This is a simple Swift iOS application that calculates the tip and total amounts for a given bill amount.
Time spent: 4.0 hours spent in total (including documentation)
Completed user stories:
- [x] Required: User can enter a bill amount
- [x] Required: User can select from a preset list of tip percentages
- [x] Required: The application updates the tip and total amounts as the bill amount changes
- [x] Required: The application updates the tip and total amounts as the tip percentage changes
- [x] Required: The application dismisses the numeric keypad when the user clicks anywhere on the application other than the keypad itself
- [x] Required: User can enter and save (or cancel) the default tip percentage in the Settings View.
Rather than using hardcoded tip percentages, the application obtains the tip percentages from the segmented control labels.
Walkthrough of all user stories:
GIF created with LiceCap.