- This codes adds an new installations to the requirements.txt file
- pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
pip3 install dj-database-url~=0.5 psycopg2~=2.9
- dj-databse-url
- This is a python package that connects Django to a databse using a URL
- psycopg2
- This is a driver for interacting with the PostgreSQL database using Python
Field Types
- User types, check out the model fields options that Django provides.
- Field Types, check out the Django documentation here.
Static Files Setup
- To migrate model to data structure
- python3 makemigrations "name of app" --> this wil create migrations folder
- python3 migrate "name of app" --> to run the migration
- Always added after the fields
- Meta class is data about data. This is data that is not a field
- We can use these classes to add functionailty, even calculate fields
- Install app
- Update requirements
- Updated
- Be sure to migrate when done.
- pip3 show django-allauth
- this shows the details including the location of the alltuh folder
- Copy the location and insert it into the following code in the terminal
- cp -r < template >/allauth/templates/* ./templates/
- This will create a new folder
Crispy Forms
- pip3 install django-crispy-forms~=2.0 crispy-bootstrap5~=0.7
HTML validation
- W3C validation tool still used
- Will need to validate by URL
- Note for user appropriate view, will need to login in and inspect the HTML then copy over to validate
Javascript, CSS, Lighthouse
- No change to validation processers
- W3C CSS validation
- JSHINT validation
- Google lighthouses
Continue to use PEP8 code, using the codeinstitute lint checker
With imports listing
- Standard library
- Third-party imports
- Local imports
Doc trings """ ..... """ need to be added to class and functions
- In django model class, also to include models that the foreign key is related to.
- ":model:'foreign key (auth.User)'"
- In django function class
- use the same reference as model class.
- Also reference where the data is retrieved from.
How to test Django
- A unit test is a small individual code that tests individual components or units of the program.
- Django's testing library uses the standard Python unittest library. If you've encountered testing in Python before, then a lot of what is here will be familiar to you.
- Naming conventions:
- Any files that start with the word test_ are considered to be unit test files. These files are executed when we call with the test argument, i.e.
- All of the test class method names must also begin with test_. It's good practice to give a descriptive name to your testing functions. In our case, we've called this one test_form_is_valid. The name tells us that we expect the test to pass if the form is valid.
Method |
Checks that... |
assertTrue(a) |
a is True |
assertFalse(a) |
a is False |
assertEqual(a, b) |
a == b |
assertNotEqual(a, b) |
a != b |
assertIn(a, b) |
a is in b |
assertNotIn(a, b) |
a is not in b |
assertIsInstance(a, b) |
a is an instance of b |
When running mutliple tests, in the terminal each test is represented by a "."
- if three tests the "..."
- if a test fails the "." is replaced with a "F"
- if there is an error in the test the the "." is replaced with a "E"
Tests are running in alphabetical order.
To run specific tests use the following table to isolate tests
Terminal Command |
Explanation |
python3 test |
Run all tests. |
python3 test about |
Run all tests in the about app. |
python3 test about.test_forms |
Run all tests in the file, in the about app. |
python3 test about.test_forms. TestCollaborateForm |
Run all tests in the TestCollaborateForm class in about.test_forms. |
python3 test about.test_forms.TestCollaborateForm.test_form_is_valid |
Run a single test, test_form_is_valid, within the location specified. |
Useful Links
- The W3C Markup validation service
- CI Python Linter
- PEP 257 – Docstring Conventions