CMsmartvoice / One-Shot-Voice-Cloning

:relaxed: One Shot Voice Cloning base on Unet-TTS
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one-shot style-transfer tts voice-cloning

Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning

MIT License

English | 中文

:exclamation: Now we provide inferencing code and pre-training models. You could generate any text sounds you want.

:star: The model training only uses the corpus of neutral emotion, and does not use any strongly emotional speech.

:star: There are still great challenges in out-of-domain style transfer. Limited by the training corpus, it is difficult for the speaker-embedding or unsupervised style learning (like GST) methods to imitate the unseen data.

:star: With the help of Unet network and AdaIN layer, our proposed algorithm has powerful speaker and style transfer capabilities.

Demo results

Paper link

:sparkles:Colab notebook is Highly Recommended for test.

:star: Now, you only need to use the reference speech for one-shot voice cloning and no longer need to manually enter the duration statistics additionally.

:smile: The authors are preparing simple, clear, and well-documented training process of Unet-TTS based on Aishell3.

It contains:

Install Requirements


Option 1: Modify the reference audio file to be cloned in the file. (See this file for more details)

cd One-Shot-Voice-Cloning

Option 2: Notebook

Note: Please add the One-Shot-Voice-Cloning path to the system path. Otherwise the required class UnetTTS cannot be imported from the file.

import sys
sys.path.append("<your repository's parent directory>/One-Shot-Voice-Cloning")
from UnetTTS_syn import UnetTTS

from tensorflow_tts.audio_process import preprocess_wav

"""Inint models"""
models_and_params = {"duration_param": "train/configs/unetts_duration.yaml",
                    "duration_model": "models/duration4k.h5",
                    "acous_param": "train/configs/unetts_acous.yaml",
                    "acous_model": "models/acous12k.h5",
                    "vocoder_param": "train/configs/multiband_melgan.yaml",
                    "vocoder_model": "models/vocoder800k.h5"}

feats_yaml = "train/configs/unetts_preprocess.yaml"

text2id_mapper = "models/unetts_mapper.json"

Tts_handel = UnetTTS(models_and_params, text2id_mapper, feats_yaml)

"""Synthesize arbitrary text cloning voice using a reference speech""" 
wav_fpath = "./reference_speech.wav"
ref_audio = preprocess_wav(wav_fpath, source_sr=16000, normalize=True, trim_silence=True, is_sil_pad=True,

# Inserting #3 marks into text is regarded as punctuation, and synthetic speech can produce pause.
text = "一句话#3风格迁移#3语音合成系统"

syn_audio, _, _ = Tts_handel.one_shot_TTS(text, ref_audio)
